
in #stoicism7 years ago

I have been reading a few books on stoicism lately. A school of philosophy based on a eudaimonic approach to life as opposed to hedonistic, its teachings essentially emphasizes the use of logic, reflection, reason, and self-control to live a happier and more meaningful life. From negative visualization and the serenity prayer, there are a lot of exercises that I have already learned and put into practice that has already given me a more peace of mind.

Stocism states that overcoming our insatiability is the way for a more meaningful life. It is ironic though that the yearning for the knowledge, wisdom and tools to live a happier life also originates from a desire to be satiated. But then again it is a desire with more positive and rewarding returns, as opposed to the desires of a materialistic, ego, and sexual nature.

If anybody is more interested about this philosophy, there are chockfull of articles online. The Obstacle is the way and Ego is the enemy by Ryan Holiday are also good reads I'd recommend.

Just some random pic. :D


Which ones did you do specifically? How does it work? Nice picture too.

" God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference. "

I do the serenity prayer more often than negative visualization. It has definitely changed my perception of things, especially in times of frustration. I still complain internally when frustrated but am more accepting of these events that are beyond my control. The events are beyond my control but how I perceive these events are. :)

Some very wise lines. I like it. Good to let go of needing to control everything. Sometimes just gotta run with it, however weird things get haha...

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