Walk With Me #3 ~ When I invite soldiers to join steemit ( Bilingual ) #SteemitCommunity

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)



My best experience with @priang.esteem

It could be said that this is a very great day in my journey bersteemit. Rarely do we find soldiers willing to join steemit because of the harsh task of filling his days. But today I am with the army commander and his members can talk to each other, share experiences according to their respective duties. Because of the very friendly nature they have had the courage to promote steemit to the soldiers. Because I know, a lot of things they do everyday, they get and they experience, even many of them can write or they tell in steemit. Although not as active as the other steemians, but at least they can fill the void of their time to write news or stories that later can become knowledge to us ordinary people.


With minimal knowledge, I am satisfied with what I have given them, and with my limited knowledge, they can understand according to my explanation, even they give some suggestions to me so that I will be more advanced in termination. They explain some tips in writing in order to make the reader interesting.

So great is not it, we give knowledge but we also get knowledge. Extraordinary !!!

This is such a special day for me, how is your day today ?



Pengalaman terbaikku bersama @priang.esteem

Bisa dikatakan kalau ini adalah hari yang sangat hebat dalam perjalanan saya bersteemit. Jarang kita menemukan para tentara untuk mau bergabung ke steemit karena tugasnya yang begitu keras mengisi hari-kerjanya. Tapi pada hari ini saya bersama komandan tentara dan anggotanya bisa saling mengobrol, saling berbagi pengalaman menurut tugas masing-masing. Karena dengan sifat yang sangat ramah yang mereka punyai memberanikan saya untuk mempromosikan steemit kepada para tentara. Karena saya tau, banyak hal yang mereka kerjakan sehari-hari, banyak yang mereka dapatkan dan mereka alami, bahkan banyak yang bisa mereka tuliskan atau mereka ceritakan di steemit. Walau tidak se aktif para steemians lainnya, tapi setidaknya mereka bisa mengisi kekosongan waktu mereka untuk menuliskan berita atau cerita-cerita yang nantinya bisa menjadi pengetahuan kepada kita masyarakat biasa.


Dengan ilmu yang masih minim, saya merasa puas dengan apa yang sudah saya berikan kepada mereka, dan dengan keterbatasan ilmu saya juga, mereka bisa memahami sesuai dengan penjelasan saya, bahkan mereka pun memberikan beberapa saran kepada saya agar saya lebih maju dalam bersteemian. Mereka menjelaskan beberapa tips dalam menulis agar bisa membuat pembaca menarik.

Begitu hebat bukan, kita memberikan ilmu tapi kita juga mendapatkan ilmu. Luar biasa !!!

Ini hari yang begitu spesial bagi saya, bagaimana harimu hari ini ?

Here are a few of today's walks by Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them !

See life through their eyes.


~ 83 ~ Walk With Me to Spy on the Motherflockers by @lyndsaybowes


Walk with Me in the Snow... A hike on private property in the Missouri Ozarks! by @melodyrussell


Felt like Spring is here. I'm so excited. My first walk this year on the running track. Come and join me. #Gratefulvibes #Walkwithme by @joalvarez


Walk with me in my little garden by @war-tp


the virgin forest and the river is amazing by @azizpase


Walk with me - Kwazulu Natal Association of Arts by @artywink


An Incredible Famous "Re-Discovery" The largest in the ENTIRE WORLD! by @bluelightbandit


Walk With Me - A stroll through the woods with Jordanna - Portrait Photography by @domioanna


Walk With Me #5 - Activity In Traditional Markets That Never Deserted by @madamuhammad


Walk With Me as I introduce my village to STEEMIT... by @lidiasteem

Thank you to say @lyndsaybowes who has been my inspiration in making a post. Always success for #walkwithme

Thanks to @kakakiky for making me a nice gift.






So fantastic pictures..

Mantap, nuansa steemit akan lebih berwarna dengan adanya ragam kalangan yang menghiasi steemit.

Yeah, I think so !!!

Aman Bel.. hehehe

@abelanar11 keep spirit my friend good job-good job! asik-asik :D

You too my bro !!!

Great job with the #promo-steem! I always like to see that, and it's very nice of you to feature other people's #walkwithme's on your blog. <3

yes, that's all I do because I see your persistence in making posts, #walkwithme never left.
What's wrong if I want to follow your career path ?

Nice work! 250% upvoted Thanks!