The Sole Commitment

in #love7 years ago (edited)


The slow, yet uncertain footsteps of walking footsteps, walking with one alone as if confused about direction and purpose, followed by unfavorable weather and so on, that day might be a bad day for Kleion. Kleion is a high school student who does every thing that happens in the grip of her life by herself, in other words, Kleion is an independent man. However, the independence that occurred in Kleion's life was too much, so Kleion had its own difficulties in the form of his life, Kleion was shut out from the association, not Kleion did not want to join the others.

But again because of the various causes and reasons that each of the friends who looked at Kleion through different angles. Whether it's from his character, background, and so forth. Even so, Kleion stays on and on in his life because he is used to what he feels and has. As the direction of the journey toward school runs full of hesitation, Kleion sometimes feels like turning around to abandon her intentions, and doing what she likes, because Kleion feels saturated with her life. Arriving at school.

"Kleion again .. Headmaster calls you .." Said one of the Security Officers at the School.
Then Kleion walked to the principal's office, and opened the door slowly.

"Kleion, please sit down .." said the Headmaster. Kleion sat down.
"Kleion, lately you are often absent from school and too late too, I am very worried .." said the principal.
Kleion paused without saying. "Do not you care about your life?" The Principal asked.
Kleion fell silent again. "Do you have a parent?" The Principal asked. Kleion shook her head.
"So you live alone," said the headmaster. Kleion nodded.
"I also can not say much then, but this is a warning, please you can go outside." Said the Headmaster.
Kleion goes out and holds the door but .. "I am looking forward to you to care about your life, think carefully .." said the Headmaster.

Kleion came out and headed for the Classroom. But just got to the door ..
"Huu .." Said his classmates.
"Hey, you baseball can say like that, should say, arrogant .." Said one of his classmates.
Another laugh, though there are some who feel serious compassion and pity on Kleion's life.

Kleion was silent and did not reply to his friends, for himself, it was not something that needed to be answered and discussed, Kleion sat down to his seat, but one of the other friends interrupted Kleion's seat by shaking it and tapping the table loudly before him.
"Hey you guys can not be so!" Said one of the other companion who felt pity called Muara.
"Nah, and anyway he is not angry, too arrogant?" Ask one of his classmates.

Kleion ignored him. Only the Estuary is serious and serious attention to Kleion's condition from among other good friends who likes to disturb and just feel sorry. Then some time, the teacher who teaches and becomes the Class Guardian comes to the class. And the lesson proceeded in an orderly manner until the lesson finished. His Class Guard called Kleion to come to his room.

"Good luck, arrogant .." Said one of his classmates.
Another smile also looked at Kleion who was a friend of one of his classmates.

kleion, mother had heard of the principal and also investigate the intricacies of your life .. "said homeroom. kleion silent and down ashamed." you children who Mandiri Yes .. "said homeroom smile. kleion rears up and feel something." don't discouraged, any case, you have to deal with fixed spirit, such as a race, if you feel the beginning already lost then you feel the end of pointless .. "said homeroom smile. kleion feel the closer with something." so do whatever you want, as much as, as much as, as strong as, all of muster the ability that you have end from the beginning, because life was full of struggle .. "said homeroom smiled and holding hands kleion. kleion silent serious hear the word of the Guardian of the class. some of the old later, kleion out of the room and the mouth of waiting kleion from the outside." what you baseball anything, kleion? "asked the mouth of smiling." baseball anything .. "responsible kleion serious." new this time I heard a voice .. "said the mouth of smiling. kleion silent again." baseball anything, do whatever you want, kleion .. "said the mouth of smiling. kleion silent and remembered speech as from the Guardian of the class." thank you .. "said kleion serious." Yes .. "said the mouth of smiling." why you smile? "asked kleion ventured." because I know the real you it's good people .. "replied the mouth of smiling. kleion silent as he without words, as if also make his feelings shocked when hear the word of mouth. kleion aware of the Act on forever this, then it classmates meledeknya, kleion don't want to blame others because kleion plead felt his guilty, kleion want sorry but hesitated way to menyesalkannya, during his parents died, life changes kleion occurs fast, kleion trying to be an independent yet to be the establishment of a Kara." kleion, you the strong, I greatly admired, don't blame you and too hard work .. "said the mouth of smiling. kleion feel estuary can read what is considered by kleion, the mouth of children's a very good and the like the perfectly in the eyes of kleion of between his friends, because only he also dared to try to make friends with kleion." Yes, thank you .. "said kleion smile." want the road with? "asked the mouth of smiling." should .. "responsible kleion smile.  later, kleion and the mouth of moving home, while talking to joyful, from that day, kleion feel alive start a full color. some long relationship kleion and estuaries become a friend who familiar, gossip and talks always heard in ear kleion also participate subsided, his mates that bother aware of the actions and apologize similarly others who do not want to know and interfere private business kleion. homeroom and head of school also participate happy observe students siswinya can get along and understand between each others .. the relationship the closer to kleion and mouth to a true friend, when the ceremony separation and well graduation, kleion and estuaries not continue school because equally also does not have considerable cost, so kleion and the mouth of looking for work together than for unemployed, they also received and get the work together in the same place. but has not been a long day, the change days go by up to an event on the estuary." the estuary, what happened? "asked kleion alarming." I keep disease I suffered .. "replied the mouth of smiling." the mouth of .. "said kleion start distracted." don't worry, live your life, do whatever you want. "said the mouth of smiling." the estuary, I want to be with you .. "said kleion grieving." sorry, kleion .. "said the mouth of smiling close eye with peace. after the day, kleion running back as an establishment of a Kara, because a desire already dashed, the change the day, kleion do all activities passed as first with alone, kleion running back without direction and purpose while unconsciously, kleion fainted in a way that quiet and peaceful." kleion .. "said homeroom sitting beside kleion the middle lying." I was where? "asked kleion confused." you in the hospital .. "responsible Guardian class." if you not to spoken words .. "said kleion regret it." mother also sad to hear it, but not because those words, he had to go .. "said the Guardian of the class. kleion silent grieving." he already weak, but he did not give up to his life, he always smiling and trying to try to do anything you want and I feel a private also always encourage and motivate the path of his life, because of the observation that, I was so know and understand that you and he did not much different, you and he equally running as an establishment of a Kara. then it, I give these words to you, don't blame with the words .. "clear Guardian class. kleion surprised and silent serious before down then observe the face of the Guardian class." kleion, he never told mother, that he wanted you live happy, he wants you smile for him .. "said the Guardian class sad. kleion crying hysterically will lose friends true that.

Since that very day, Kleion has come to life again as a solitary stance, no longer because Kleion feels bored or bored as previously felt, but this time Kleion is enjoying it happily and smiling, Kleion feels that his wishes have manifested both himself and Kleion, Kleion always felt his presence in the heart of Kleion, until in the morning sun begins his day, Kleion also took the time to say, "If he can, then I can, I have realized the desires that I and you have."

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