Corporatism and Unionism are Tools of Control

in #freedom7 years ago

In the name of protecting us from corporations, most governments have created a legal framework that favors them as fictional legal entities. Some people think regulation, taxes, and laws restricting free and peaceful economic activity serve to reduce the power of corporations. In reality, large corporations support these policies, and people who control vast amounts of wealth pull the strings. Corporations love regulations because they hinder competition. They support taxes because they can afford ways around them. They love it when we turn to governments for protection from corporations, because the results usually protect them from accountability. For the super rich who might have owned slaves directly in the past, governments keep citizens on the big plantation of corporatism and tax slavery.


With the rise of corporatism, laborers (and anyone who did not benefit directly from corporatist policies) were at a great disadvantage. The formation of powerful unions was a predictable result. Everyone is entitled to freedom of association and speech. We can meet with whomever we like, when we like, and say what we like. As individuals, we have a right to choose to work or not work at any time and to communicate our reasoning with our employers. However, in the course of resisting the unjust powers corporations gained through government, unions themselves have gained unjust powers.

Unions do not have any special rights as groups that individuals do not, but governments have been happy to pander to them to build constituencies and make it appear that they’re looking out for the common people. Unions do not have a right to keep anyone from working. Unions ask governments for laws that allow corporations to buy benefits without paying taxes, but then every worker who is not in a union or working for a corporation is disadvantaged in the market for those benefits. Workers become more dependent on corporations and less able to opt-out of tax slavery.

When you have a “job,” you do not own it. A job is an agreement with someone, a group of people, an organization, or a corporation. No one can “take your job.” If the conditions around the agreement change, the agreement may be changed or terminated. The idea of a job as a possession is at the core of many bad government policies that are excuses to use force against people exercising their rights. Just as members of a union have a right to stop working, non-union workers have the right to start working.

As free people, employees and employers have the right to set the terms of their relationships and walk away at any time if they are unsatisfied. Laws that force us out of productive relationships are especially brutal. Taxes on employment and minimum wage laws make otherwise profitable relationships unviable or illegal, and thus “destroy jobs” or prevent them from ever being created. Governments get away with so much “job-killing” because the unseen cost of jobs that were never created remains invisible, except in our imaginations and economic calculations.

While governments have created special privileges for unions, they have created far more for corporations, including various forms of “anti-strike” laws. A law prohibiting a strike says, “If you don’t work, there will be consequences!” which is the same as forced labor. If the government threatening consequences is also taking as much of our income as it can, we’ve got most of the elements of direct human ownership. But when people believe they are free, they are more productive. In a fair, healthy market for labor, we can properly value the most important assets: individual people.

Corporatism has spawned unionism and the result is a vicious cycle that feeds into statism. As people turn to government to protect them from corporations, corporations get more powerful, and then people demand more protection. Corporatism and unionism are tools of control and consolidation of power that drive up the cost of hiring people and increase unemployment. They both impede the freedoms necessary to properly value the labor of individuals.

Chapter 6 Section III From FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.


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Thanks for fighting to get rid of the control freaks!

Debt slavery is a much more efficient system than chained slavery...

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