Noodle Dish Shellfish
Noodles one of the favorite dishes of aceh community, even in aceh there is a special noodle production, namely aceh flour noodles. aceh flour noodles are very popular throughout Indonesia, even in Asia even though there are already consuming aceh flour noodles.
What are the advantages of aceh flour noodles, so many who consume the noodles produced by the aceh people.
Aceh flour noodle is one of natural cuisine (free from preservatives). noodles can not be consumed longer, meaning that aceh flour noodles can only be consumed in 24 hours, more than at that time, aceh flour noodle expenditure.
In addition to the consumption just like that, aceh flour noodles can be mixed with meat, mushrooms, crab, squid, and shellfish.
As for recipes that are used in cooking noodle aceh among them :
- red onion
- garlic
- small chilli
- cabbage vegetables
- leaf soup
- special seasoning aceh noodle
- and crabs when mixed with crabs, or other such as meat, squid and so forth according to each taste
Wow .i like the soap dish.
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Kelihatannya enak kali nih @adexrara, mau donk ("-")
mau,,,??? hehe
Mau donk ..!!
Ee jangan lupa singgah di blog @ziapase yaah