ADSactly Medicine and Health: Is There A New Generation Of Drug Use?

in #health4 years ago

Disclaimer: These are the experiences, thoughts, opinions, points of view of the writer only they are not the views of the ADSactly community!

Dragging and trying to carry a 60-liter black rubbish bag to the counter asking the mortified clerk if they would dispose of the contents inside, who had to get confirmation from a manager if they would take the bag with a little crowd appearing of staff intrigue to what was happening.
Handing over the bag to the still mortified clerk that struggled to take the bag to the back, walking out of the store with a smile to ear to ear and a sadden heart on one hand I had safely disposed of the years of built-up expired contents in the top cupboard.

Picture Source Pixabay

The other part if a clerk that dispenses this, is so mortified by one family dropping back expired contents which weren't even all of it as a year before and over the years I just flushed them down the loo until someone saw me and asked what are you doing?
You can't do that you need to dispose of them safely, but I am I replied the kids can't get them out of the loo when I flush them down.
Do you understand you are drugging the fish and waterways they replied WHAT NOOOOO I can't be was the first reaction then thinking on it for a moment OH BUGGER...
If I put them in the rubbish bin someone could find them...

Many scenarios popping into my mind which none of them were good...

Their point of view was this: if electronic stores take the disposal of your old batteries, chemists should take the disposal of your old medication.

Letting my fingers doing the walking I checked online surer enough they were right!!!
Chemists did accept disposals of expired medication, Yes years ago I used to throw batteries in the rubbish too...

How is this all meant to be common knowledge???
When you think your doing good when you actually aren't … Go figure right?

Spending a few good days going thru the top cupboard that had a container with a bulging lid, with medication inside, on top of it, around the side sitting on the shelf, with the above shelf with loose medication also.

This was a cupboard that was cleaned up the year before, a good stack had just been flushed down the loo, ripping off name tags from the boxes and bottles to still get a 60-liter black bag full and have a 20-liter container still somewhat fill in the cupboard made me think what the heck are we doing with all this medication?...

These are medications made to help people... But what about the side effects of them did you research before giving them to your family, babies, children? I asked myself.
No not on these but recently on others... Why not?
Giving myself a whole lot of excuses.

A take away from a conversation popped into my mind … Be Your Families Avocode!

Ask questions, don't leave till you get all the answers if they can't be answered let your fingers do the walking (Internet), research filter though to find the right answers, check them double, triple check them with facts, experiences start somewhere.

Having what I thought was a hard stance on drugs... If someone said this is a drug, nope stop I don't want anything to do with it, now if someone said this is medication ok let's take some.

Medications are safe right if you follow the dosage, the rules that were explained to you, you'll be good right?

A medical description of drug class from wikipeda

|A drug class is a set of medications and other compounds that have similar chemical structures, the same mechanism of action (i.e., bind to the same biological target), a related mode of action, and/or are used to treat the same disease.[1][2]
In several dominant drug classification systems, these four types of classifications form a hierarchy. For example, the fibrates are a chemical class of drugs (amphipathic carboxylic acids) that share the same mechanism of action (PPAR agonist), mode of action (reducing blood triglycerides), and are used to prevent and to treat the same disease (atherosclerosis). Conversely not all PPAR agonists are fibrates, not all triglyceride-lowering agents are PPAR agonists, and not all drugs that are used to treat atherosclerosis are triglyceride-lowering agents.
What is a drug description from wikipedia

A drug is any substance that causes a change in an organism's physiology or psychology when consumed.[3][4] Drugs are typically distinguished from food and substances that provide nutritional support. Consumption of drugs can be via inhalation, injection, smoking, ingestion, absorption via a patch on the skin or dissolution under the tongue.

Psychoactive drugs are chemical substances that affect the function of the central nervous system, altering perception, mood, or consciousness.[11] These drugs are divided into different groups like stimulants, depressants, antidepressants, anxiolytics, antipsychotics, and hallucinogens. These psychoactive drugs have been proven useful in treating a wide range of medical conditions including mental disorders around the world. The most widely used drugs in the world include caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol,[12] which are also considered recreational drugs since they are used for pleasure rather than medicinal purposes.[13] Abuse of several psychoactive drugs can cause psychological or physical addiction.[14] It's worth noting that all drugs can have potential side effects.[15] Excessive use of stimulants can promote stimulant psychosis. Many recreational drugs are illicit and international treaties such as the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs exist for the purpose of their prohibition.

Just like everything in life, there are rules to follow, if we don't there's a consequence or a backlash of a sort may be small or snowball into something out of control.

But aren't medications plant-based, derived from plants?

I was unaware that there were options yes options when it came to medication these are either known or called natural, plant-base, or Herbs also.

Picture Source Pixabay

Brewing a tea made from a herb or different herbs can help with flu, colds, fever, vomiting, headaches, breaking down mucus, also other benefits
Each herb has different healing benefits, depends on the process, the way it's produced.

Trailing herbs from my experience:

Trying a herb out called Tila, after coming across it in a store but not knowing what to use it for, left it on the shelf, when in need of it finding it helps with flu symptoms could I find it, nope, only a tea bag form which didn't do much, I prefer loose tea as the tea bags may be bleached or have other processors done to them.

Grabbing a few herbs at a time peppermint and elderflower following the directions of the information I had found it helped with flu symptoms, fever, and headaches.

Trying an oil from Hemp, Hemp seed oil it tasted a bit unusual at first if you're taking it straight, the benefits out wayed the taste for me that I got used to, you can use it like olive oil to drizzle on salads, bread-like olive oil it is a cold-pressed oil which isn't best used in heat.
I believe taking Hemp oil may have helped with reducing inflammation, and support immune system regulation due to blood tests taken before, during, and after taking it.
(Everyone has different experiences and results when trying herbs and new things, can have effects with symptoms, Herbs, and natural remedies are medication also, asked a professional for advice before using.)

Coming across a herbology thesis, and chatting with someone, two points had never crossed my mind before, when it came to drugs so let's look at them...

Opium – It's a drug that derives from the unmatured poppy flower which is apparently picked too early before it is mature or ripe, if it was to be left to mature it is apparently safe and has health benefits.

Marijuana – If the leaves are picked too early not left to fully grow, mature they can cause side effects than when fully grown you apparently get better health benefits.

This made me think of unripe fruit when you see a yummy looking fruit hanging on the tree, but it's still a little green, but you want it, so you eat it taking the plunge to latter find that you have effects of a sore stomach or other symptoms.
Or when we eat too much fruit, berries, food that may be okay in small doses that have health benefits but when you eat just one too many or gorge on it we might be present with allergies, unwellness, or even worst cases can cause death.

This comes to mind... Have you heard the saying eat things in moderation?
Like anything in life we need to take things in moderation, balance what we eat, or take into our body systems life is a learning experience to be journeyed and lived!

Thank you so much for your time reading this post, we would like to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments about Is There A New Generation Of Drug Use?
Or anything in this post, your experiences, thoughts, or point of view... Look forward to reading them!

Disclaimer: To clarify there are times that we may require pharmaceutical medications, this post was highlighting the experience of the Unrealisation of overuse and hoarding of them.

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