Life in Oslo Part 2/Adventure Every Day Episode 7 - Riding the Subway into the Forest

I sat at my makeshift desk in the middle of my apartment living room, gazing outside at the beautiful sunny weather. In front of me was my computer, and a dozen or so video projects I could be working on. But nice weather is a precious commodity wherever you live, and especially in a climate like we have in Norway, so I knew what needed to be done that day.

Time to get out on the bike and start another video project.

This would also give me a chance to showcase something that I fell in love with in Oslo - the public transport system. Having grown up in American suburbia, I am of course used to driving my car everywhere. It's really the only practical way to do things when everything is so spread out and the options for public transport are severely lacking. In Oslo, however, despite that it is actually not all that large of a city, it seems every single neighborhood has multiple options. There are buses, trams, trains, and my personal favorite, the subway, called the t-bane (pronounced tay-bahn-uh).

The official t-bane map, with the various lines extending like a spider into the different regions of the city. Some of the best forest access is at the last few stops on line 1 to Frognerseteren. Skogen, for example, actually means "The Forest".

Now, it's not that the system is perfect, but the main reason I love it is this:

You can literally ride the t-bane directly into the woods.

That's right, some of the stops put you out pretty much directly at the trailheads into the woods surrounding the city, which is referred to as Nordmarka (any reference to marka in Norwegian is a reference to a forest/wilderness).

So I ditched my computer, grabbed my bike outside, and headed for the hills. I'm certainly nothing close to an expert mountain biker, extremely novice actually, but it was still a great trip that hopefully was film-worthy. I managed to get to a cabin in the forest just before they stopped serving snacks and drinks (another really cool thing about Nordmarka), and also managed to wipe out and cut my hand up a bit, with a lot of fun riding in between.

Without further ado, here is the video, which will also be Adventure Every Day Episode 7 on the Adventure Every Day YouTube channel:

30 Days Writing Challenge Update - Day 4

In my post yesterday, I decided to get into the 30 Days Writing Challenge proposed by @dragosroua since I was planning to increase my posting frequency anyways. My concern with doing the challenge is that it could encourage me to post even when I don't have anything that I feel is "post-worthy", and that the overall quality of my blog will suffer.

Well, yesterday's post was a bit of a bomb, except for perhaps the fact that I at first gained 2 followers. But then I subsequently lost a follower. Not a big deal, but makes me feel like it wasn't a worthy post and perhaps I could have spent the time better elsewhere.

Today's post should be better since it is an episode I have been working on for a while. Please upvote and follow if you enjoy, and I always enjoy seeing a comment or two. Cheers!

Adventure Every Day is a travel & exploration channel started in 2016. In addition to the Steemit blog, I post weekly short films of my adventures to the Adventure Every Day YouTube channel. Please follow and subscribe if you enjoy the content - it inspires me to keep making more and better!
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Try to use 4 tags...;)... If you use 5 tags, your post shows just in main category...

Really? I had no idea, thanks for the tip. I had just assumed that since it allowed you to use 5 that it was best to do so. Apparently not!

Yes, I's a glitch...:)...