The Diary Game Betterlife | 10-May-2024

in Hot News Community22 days ago

Hello, I'm @afrin-mona

Hope everyone is well I am also fine by the grace of God.

I woke up a little late today. I woke up and brushed myself. Today is Friday so you don't have to rush to work in the morning. I made tea and ate it. After that, I had breakfast with the toast biscuits that my husband had brought yesterday. I didn't even make bread this morning. Then there were many clothes. I soaked the clothes. You have to wash more or less clothes every day. Wet the clothes and swept the yard. I cleaned the rooms.

Then I soaked the fish for lunch. Meanwhile my daughter is crying a lot. I took him in my lap and wandered outside for a long time. My goat has not been fed since morning. So I gave the goat some food. Later I fed the chickens. The chickens now lay two eggs per day. Farm chickens lay eggs continuously for 18 months. But my chickens are 8 months old. A few days ago, one egg was laid. Now two chickens lay two eggs each day. After that I cleaned the chicken house.


Then I fed my son some rice. I myself ate some rice. My husband got ready and went to his sister's house. I sent him away and cooked fish and potatoes for lunch. My daughter is not in anyone's arms. So I cooked a curry and took the girl in my arms. After finishing cooking, I came and talked with my sister. I finished the story and swept the house. My daughter's body is very bad today. She has a cold. So I didn't give her a bath today. I took a shower around 2:30. I gave my son a bath. He played with water for a long time today. He also has a cold but he doesn't listen to me. He is doing mischief all the time. I called him to eat rice at noon, he would not eat rice with his hands. I called him and fed him rice. He dislikes fish very much. But what else to do today, I only cooked fish. I fed rice with fish broth.


After that I slept a little with the boys and girls. The girl will never sleep. So I went to the niece and gave it to my daughter. I put my son to sleep on the bed. I put the girl to sleep after a while after the boy fell asleep. I left them sleeping and got up while. I arranged some food for the goat. A tong is made for the goats inside the goat house. He sleeps every night on that tong. I cleaned that tongue. My goat is going to be a mother. So there is a little more concern for him. Now about what to eat.


My son woke up in the afternoon. Then I cooked him noodles. Then I play making tea. After eating and drinking, I washed the dishes. Then his father came. My daughter is very happy to see her father. She will ride his father's motorcycle. My husband went out with the children.

Meanwhile, I finished the evening work and performed the Maghrib prayer. My son has exam tomorrow. So I made him study a little. After teaching for a while I put rice for the night. I cooked rice and stuffed potatoes. I fried eggs. Had a little curry in the afternoon and ate it with it. The girl ate some biscuits in the afternoon. She did not eat rice at night. That's why I slept without eating. I put the girl to sleep and did the dishes at night. I swept the balcony. This is how the whole day passed.


This was my program for the whole day today.

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