7,000 Follower Milestone post!

in #milestone7 years ago

BOOM! 7K! That's a big deal! Steemwhales hasn't been updated recently so it's harder to know where that stands in the lineup, but last I checked if you removed all the bots that run around upvoting brand new users or take out the guys that have 90k followers and 9k who follow them because of 4f4 then I was in the top 30 most followed accounts on the platform (with them I was still like top 60).

I work my ass off

In my terrestial world I'm a father of two, have a dog that likes to shit on rugs, I have a wife, and a full time job. In that full time job I've been hiring and now I'm up to a team of five. I have a 1hr+ commute into the city every day. I get home, eat my dinner, play with my kids a bit, put them to bed, and go back to my second full time job of running MSP and acting like a witness.

Most recently this takes the form of a running a radio show and getting a youtuber with 400k subscribers to talk about Steem on their show (thanks @davidpakman), I'm going to interview @michaelvenompage who is a UFC fighter turned Steem blogger on Friday, I'm hosting Boston meetup this Saturday, I'll have a Bid Bot owners meeting after that, some time with my brother for his birthday, and then come home and do an mspwaves show. Sunday I'll have some time to post and chat, and then run another 3-4hrs of radio.

My alone time consists of shitting and showering. Frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love what I'm doing and I love the movement that I'm working on (political less so the bowel).

I'm knocking on the door of 2.5k witness votes

People trust that I'm working hard to help and grow this platform. I get a lot of witness votes because of it and I consider myself intensely lucky to be back in the top 10. This gig is nothing short of ball sweat and tears. My witness mentor @timcliff told me that this job was a round the clock gig. I was thinking he was talking about running the server, but what I didn't realize is that he was really talking about working around the clock with people. People need help, people have problems, people need to network, people need stuff. It's our job to help them find it.

You're tired of this story but idc

I wouldn't have this start if @kaylinart and @fyrstikken didn't give me a push and a helping hand. I wouldn't be here without the cofounders of PALnet (@ausbitbank, @teamsteem, @canadian-coconut). I wouldn't be here without an extraordiary group of witnesses and moderators that help run PALnet. I was really stoked to see more than half of the people on @stellabelle's list of folks to delegate to grew up in the Minnow Support Project. I feel like our call to service mission is helping to elevate some of the highest quality people on the platform. I couldn't be prouder of my team, my friends, and my digital family.

I wouldn't get this far without the witness voters that stand behind me. Thank you!

I'm doing my best!

I'm literally doing my absolute best to help and support the people on this platform the best ways I know how. Thanks for lifting me up, thanks for supporting me, I'm sorry if I ever let you down, and know I'm trying to do well by this place and our people.

Thanks for following me.




Congratulations on achieving this milestone @aggroed. You have really worked hard to achieve this.

Congratulations, mate :)
Takes me way back to when @acidyo hit 7,000.

You're a god damn savage! I'll catch that Wascally Wabbit!

Intentional or not.......



Where do you want all these atta boys...

Keep up the good work.
Thank You!

Trolled me with the cat pic. Congrats on the milestone, you are doing good work despite your busy life. Keep it up! 👍😎

Wow, that's a very high number!! Congratulations!! I just tipped 300 😂😂😂, but it was an awesome milestone tbh! :)

Congratulations :) 7000 followers is definitely no mean feat :)

@aggroed When I grow UP on STEEMIT I want to be just like you. Oh by the way. Congrats on 7000.........@kaylinart I Love that Young Lady. She is the BEST !

Hey it's really great to know about you and it is also fascinating me that you are working in two jobs one of your office and other one is steemt.

Congrats that is a serious milestone in ~15mths.
How long did it take to get a "foot hold" on growth? 3 mths? 6mths?

thank. did you keep track month by month re the growth?
was it linear, or more logarithmic ?
8 months is a long time to start seeing results, would you consider that to be 'normal' in your experience?

Congratulations @aggroed for 7k followers :) 👍👍

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