Extending an olive branch

in #justinsun4 years ago (edited)

About 15 minutes ago I wrote a post thinking I had just gotten a flag by @justinsunsteemit. it turns out it was just @justinsunsteem. Two different accounts but after three weeks of crazy I'm pretty tired. Anyway, the story doesn't really change.


I'd like Justin Sun and Tron to deescalate. I figure I should as well. I had a meme campaign planned for today, but I don't think I'm gonna do it. I instead delegated 1000 SP to him. He's a whale in the crypto sphere, but on his personal account he's a minnow. I started the Minnow Support Project. I figured despite his other possessions it's worth treating him like other minnows that join the platform and attempt to help him some.

I hope he can do the same.


Even if we can't both agree on the conditions of how the stake was gained I can say I'm excited by pledges that Justin and steemit have made publicly to put those funds to good use.


I'm planning on buying more steem because of these pledges for Steem. Hopefully it turns out to be a great financial investment.

New Witness Campaign

Lastly I've dropped out of consensus again. There's lots of reasons for that, but it's time to just chin up and campaign again. I've made a new campaign that I think works with the times.




I instead delegated 1000 SP to him. He's a whale in the crypto sphere, but on his personal account he's a minnow. I started the Minnow Support Project. I figured despite his other possessions it's worth treating him like other minnows that join the platform and attempt to help him some.
I hope he can do the same.

Extending an olive branch is different from extending your ass (or lick Justin's extended ass if you prefer), lol

PM Do you promote every minnow delegation? Good luck with grabbing his attention. lol. I must be dreaming. I hope on next refresh of my browser it comes out it was an illusion I had because of not much sleep!

Me sorry for the confusion. I am @justinsunsteemit honest alter ego. Not many of you knew that I even existed. Understandable. After all @justinsunsteemit keeps lying to you about his intentions regarding the future of the Steem blockchain. Anyway. Someone wants to fuck me?

Someone wants to fuck me?

Yep. @null|Mr. Sun

With the next hardfork all funds ever sent to @null will be transfered to my account. That's a nice fuckery there!

It has my face on! I hope you wear this badge with honor! I also like the flag. I usually mark my territory with flags to! I put one on the Steem blockchain recently!

As a minnow, I find this post insulting. I already have you on my witness list, by the way.

I like your positivity and I’m tired of the negativity about Tron and the personal, sometimes racist attacks upon Justin Sun. You have my vote as a witness 🙏🏽

"23. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them."
-Sun Tzu, the art of war. ch 1, ss 23.

Sun's winning.

This is an interesting point and I'd like to address why I think it's not exactly applicable here.

We're not at war. Nor are we involved in a "business as usual" corporate struggle. In a sense, two cultures have clashed during our initial introduction, but the circumstances of that clash resulted in an entanglement. At this point I think everyone realizes this and wants to untie the knot and that's requiring communication, not survival of the fittest.

This is why I love this place. Long ago humanity unleashed its imagination into the real world and it's been a raging dumpster fire ever since.

This event has shown that we're learning how to build up our society so it can balance our civilization.


UPDATE: I just learned that we’ve lost 2 witnesses from the top 20 leaving us at 8. Apparently, I spoke too soon, although I stand by my initial assessment. Justin is still lashing but the exchanges seem to get it. We’re still doing this.

business as usually, doesn't usually result in reports to the ftc, sec, fbi, sfpd, sybil attacks, etc, etc over a single transaction.


Sadly though, even with all the scandalous stuff taken into account this would have been business as usual. The only real reason it isn’t, for the time being, is because Justin hasn’t been able to cash out and control the narrative.

Also, can you provide a link to that? I can't find anything about it.

After saying he would take down the tweet accusing y'all as hackers (which he never did), he doubled down calling you hackers. When he was the hacker spreading viruses to the exchanges.


I don't trust his intentions for those development funds. Sure he can say he's using the funds for the benefit of the blockchain, but what that means is quite different once we consider that his idea of the blockchain's benefit may be making STEEM a Tron token, as he's previously suggested.

His development roadmap from today includes:

Maintain Steem blockchain running in parallel with TRON
Launch Cross Chain Atomic Swaps

Sounds like steps on the way to a STEEM token on Tron to me.

While I disagree with 22.2, I still vote for you (and I encourage others to do so also) as I believe that your passion and hard work helps Steem to progress. Cheer up, and I believe that you will be back in top 20 soon.

I only vote for one of the top 20 witnesses now because I'm quite sick of how they are dealing with this mess.

Yea but you have no stake here and you also have no solutions which just makes a statement like this spineless. I would rather you power down and quit actually.

I have no stake? So the other 4000 odd minnows who have a similar stake to me should just quit?
How about no?
I've posted multiple comments stating what I think are reasonable solutions and offering my opinion. I have as much right as you or anyone else on this platform. Get off your high horse and try being a decent human.

He's trying to help a minnow along.

I figured despite his other possessions it's worth treating him like other minnows that join the platform and attempt to help him some.

its not through the minnowbooster project atleast. there is no dlease confirmation. its a lot of SP aswell... the justinsunsteemit acc didnt seem to vote for witnesses, and i hope to be reading a lot more responses from this guy in future and actually reply to comments instead of constantly leaving us hanging with no infos

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