Agoes Gaming - Learn to Understand Hero Mirana Game Dota 2 |Belajar Memahami Hero Mirana Game Dota 2 (Vol.54)

in #indonesia7 years ago


Hello Guys .....! Back again with me @agoesdeuge, who is always present to discuss about heroes in Game Dota 2, which I will discuss at this time and in this paper, heroes that I often use or play in Dota 2, an easy hero to help Midlane's Position , because I often use or role that I play is Roam type to all map hehehe. hero that I will explain in my writing this time is MIRANA. Hero Mirana's Hero skill is very powerful to disrupt your enemy's mid-hero, when hit by arrows from a long distance then Stun arrow becomes long, when hit arrow is close, it only produces like a mini stun against your enemy.

Mirana is a hero Agility type attack (range) that has a small HP and Mana cost, Role owned by mirana is:

  • Carry
  • Support
  • Nuker
  • Disabler
  • Escape


1). Starstorm: A skill that produces star grains falling from the sky to the enemy and generates damage when the enemy is close together.

  • Ability : No Target
  • Damage Type : Magical
  • Pierces Spell : No
  • Radius : 650
  • Scepter Interval : 10
  • Cooldown Skill : 12 Seconds
  • Mana : 100/120/140/160

2). Sacred Arrow: Skill that takes the bow to the target to produce a very long Stun when you remove from a distance, if close then it only produces Mini Stun.

  • Ability : Point Target
  • Damage Type : Magical
  • Pierces Spell : No
  • Dispellable : Strong Dispels Only
  • Range : 3000
  • Minimum Stun : 0.01
  • Maximum Stun : 5
  • Maximum Bonus Damage : 140
  • Cooldown Skill : 17 Seconds
  • Mana : 100

3). Leap: A very unique skill that produces leaps like the existing frogs, a jumping skill to escape or to get closer to a target or an enemy.

  • Ability : No Target
  • Dispellable : Yes
  • Distance : 550
  • Movement Bonus : 8%/16%/24%/32%
  • Attack Speed Bonus : 25/50/75/100
  • Max Charges : 3
  • Charge Replenush Time : 60/50/40/30
  • Mana : 40

4). Moonlight Shadow: The ultimate skill that produces shadow or invis to all your teams, to escape or to attack your enemies in invi position.

  • Ability : No Target
  • Dispellable : Cannot Be Dispelled
  • Fade Delay : 2.5/2/1.5
  • Duration : 15
  • Cooldown Skill : 140/120/100 seconds
  • Mana : 75

"And you can see the video below for Mirana functions"


Starting Items: Wraith Band, +3 Strength, +7 Agility, +3 Intelligence.

Core Items (Middle): Mealstrom, +24 Damage, +25 Attack Speed, Passive: Chain Lightning. Manta Style, +10 Strength, +26 Agility, +10 Intelligence, +10 Attack Speed, + 8% Movement Speed, Active: Mirror Image, Where needed: 125, Cooldown Item: 45 seconds.

Situational Items: Blink Dagger, Active: Blink, Cooldown Item: 12 Seconds, Eul's Scepter Of Divinity +10 Intelligence +2.25 Mana Regeneration +40 Movement Speed, Active: Cyclone, Where needed: 175, Cooldown item: 23 seconds, Range: 575 , Dispel Type: Basic Dispel, Hurricane Pike, +13 Intelligence, +5.5 Hp Regeneration, +20 Agility, +15 Strength, Active: Hurricane Thrust, Where It Takes: 25, Cooldown Item: 18 Seconds, Allied Range: 800, Enemy Range : 400.


  • Level 10 Skill talent tree : +20 Damage
  • Level 15 Skill talent tree : +100 Leap Attack Speed
  • Level 20 Skill talent tree : +25 Mana Break
  • Level 25 Skill talent tree : +2 Multishot Sacred Arrows

Advantages and Disadvantages Hero Mirana

Has an excess of invi skills for all teams and can attack enemies more easily in keaddan invi.
Having a very bad deficiency if you jump in the direction of the enemy is dead or die.

This is all I can share for Steemian, more or less I'm sorry, See you at the next hero. 

REGARDS GAMERS @agoesdeuge

Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2

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Hello Guys.....! Kembali lagi bersama saya @agoesdeuge, yang selalu hadir untuk membahas tentang hero-hero didalam Game Dota 2, yang akan saya bahas saat ini dan didalam tulisan ini, hero yang sering saya gunakan atau mainkan digame Dota 2, hero yang mudah untuk membantu Posisi Midlane, karena saya sering mengunakan atau role yang saya mainkan adalah type Roam ke semua map hehehe. hero yang akan saya jelaskana pada tulisan saya kali ini adalah MIRANA. Skill arrow yang Hero Mirana miliki sangat ampuh untuk mengganggu hero mid musuh anda, apabila terkena arrow dari jarak yang jauh maka Stun arrow menjadi lama, apabila terkena arrow dijarak dekat maka hanya menghasilkan seperti mini stun terhadap musuh anda.

Mirana adalah hero Agility type attack (range) yang memiliki HP yang kecil dan Mana cost, Role yang dimiliki oleh mirana adalah :

  • Carry
  • Support
  • Nuker
  • Disabler
  • Escape


1). Starstorm : Skill yang menghasilkan butiran bintang jatuh dari langit hingga terkena musuh dan menghasilkan damage apabila musuh berdekatan

  • Ability : No Target
  • Damage Type : Magical
  • Pierces Spell : No
  • Radius : 650
  • Scepter Interval : 10
  • Cooldown Skill : 12 Seconds
  • Mana : 100/120/140/160

2). Sacred Arrow : Skill yang mengeluarkan busur panah ke target hingga menghasilkan Stun yang sangat lama apabila anda mengeluarkan dari jarak yang jauh, apabila dekat maka hanya menghasilkan Mini Stun.

  • Ability : Point Target
  • Damage Type : Magical
  • Pierces Spell : No
  • Dispellable : Strong Dispels Only
  • Range : 3000
  • Minimum Stun : 0.01
  • Maximum Stun : 5
  • Maximum Bonus Damage : 140
  • Cooldown Skill : 17 Seconds
  • Mana : 100

3). Leap : Skill yang sangat unik yang menghasilkan lompatan seperti katak yang ada didanau, Skill lompatan untuk melarikan diri atau untuk mendekat ke target atau musuh.

  • Ability : No Target
  • Dispellable : Yes
  • Distance : 550
  • Movement Bonus : 8%/16%/24%/32%
  • Attack Speed Bonus : 25/50/75/100
  • Max Charges : 3
  • Charge Replenush Time : 60/50/40/30
  • Mana : 40

4). Moonlight Shadow : Skill ultimate yang menghasilkan shadow atau invis ke semua team anda, untuk bisa melarikan diri atau untuk strategi menyerang musuh anda dalam posisi invi.

  • Ability : No Target
  • Dispellable : Cannot Be Dispelled
  • Fade Delay : 2.5/2/1.5
  • Duration : 15
  • Cooldown Skill : 140/120/100 seconds
  • Mana : 75

"Dan bisa anda lihat video dibawah ini untuk fungsi-fungsi Mirana"


Starting Items: Wraith Band, +3 Strength, +7 Agility, +3 Intelligence.

Core Items (Middle) : Mealstrom, +24 Damage, +25 Attack Speed, Passive: Chain Lightning. Manta Style, +10 Strength, +26 Agility, +10 Intelligence, +10 Attack Speed, +8% Movement Speed, Active : Mirror Image, Mana dibutuhkan : 125, Cooldown Item : 45 detik.

Situational Items : Blink Dagger, Active: Blink, Cooldown Item: 12 Detik, Eul's Scepter Of Divinity +10 Intelligence +2.25 Mana Regeneration +40 Movement Speed, Active: Cyclone, Mana dibutuhkan: 175, Cooldown item: 23 detik, Range: 575, Dispel Type: Basic Dispel, Hurricane Pike, +13 Intelligence, +5.5 Hp Regeneration, +20 Agility, +15 Strength, Active : Hurricane Thrust, Mana Dibutuhkan : 25, Cooldown Item : 18 Detik, Allied Range : 800, Enemy Range : 400.


  • Level 10 Skill talent tree : +20 Damage
  • Level 15 Skill talent tree : +100 Leap Attack Speed
  • Level 20 Skill talent tree : +25 Mana Break
  • Level 25 Skill talent tree : +2 Multishot Sacred Arrows

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Hero Mirana

Mempunyai kelebihan skill invi untuk semua team dan dapat menyerang musuh lebih mudah dalam keaddan invi.
Mempunyai kekurangan yang sangat fatal apabila anda salah lompat ke arah musuh maka mengakibat mati atau die.

Hanya ini yang bisa saya bagikan untuk Steemian, kurang lebih saya mohon maaf, Sampai jumpa di hero selanjutnya.

SALAM GAMERS @agoesdeuge

Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2

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Yes, I really like this hero mirana because it has a very good escape, do not forget he is good to wear aghanim that makes his skill 1 can make 2 times. So farming becomes faster

Situational cant build agha...cos enmy build BM... Hehehehe...

Haha .oke then!

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