The Reason Why People Aren't Reading Your Stuff

in #life7 years ago (edited)

For anyone who dreams of becoming a published author somewhere in the near future, building an audience is just as important as the content we are creating. But chances are, no one wants to read what we write, regardless of​ how good our piece might be.

We've grown to believe an engaging audience is just outside of our doors, eager to read the newest adventure taken out of the oven of our brains but, to be honest, most people who used to read our stuff as kids were either being paid or forced​ to read it.

Reality sucks, doesn't it?

As you find yourself finishing the last details of your novel or screenplay, a mix of nerves and excitement instantly floods you; you can't wait for the world to read what recently came out of your head and see their reactions.

Well, to author Steven Pressfield, odds are nobody wants to read it. Main reason? People are too busy to waste their time on average writing. Blame the Internet boom and how most of the writing available at the moment isn't precisely the crème de la crème but if you want people to notice you; you need to be exceptionally good.

Now, for most people, outstanding writing means high-minded literature and smart vocabulary but, fortunately, it doesn't. Creating a compelling, well-structured story or article doesn't require you to be the next Shakespeare. It's your accuracy of conveying an emotion through words that will do the trick.

Good writing means creating a piece people won't be able to put down, and considering most of them have already read it all, coming up with an idea to blow them away might seem even harder than doing the writing itself. But here's the thing, we often fail to see writing as a skill; meaning, the more you practice it, the better you get at it.

The ability to turn raw emotions into words won't come to you overnight; in fact, probably it won't even develop in the next five years. Because it grows along with you. It is only wisdom the one able to bring authenticity​ to your writing. And wisdom comes with age.

In the meantime, immerse yourself in the classics of your genre of choice and keep in mind frustration is part of the deal. Let patience become your ally in your journey as a writer since there is no such thing as time in writing. Even when you think you are stuck, as long as you keep pushing your limits and continue to put words on paper, you are moving forward.

Keep writing!

Source: Nobody Wants to Read Your Shit (2016) By Steven Pressfield
Image Source: I, II


Reality sucks, isn't it?

Doesn't it?

I like to think of it as managing expectations. I don't expect to create something terribly new or for people to break down my door to tell me how awesome it is. I do expect to write better tomorrow than I did today. I do expect that here and there will be someone that takes an interest in my work. And eventually I'll reach a level of fluency in conveying my stories that I can finally create a masterpiece for the world to enjoy.

Until then, I don't expect praise or riches, I just expect to grow. Now, if I could just trick more people into leaving feedback to help me do that...

Thank you for pointing out the typo, I fixed it already :) and yeah, I agree with you. People often think it's all about writing the next movie franchise, but it's all about personal growth. Eventually, if you put enough effort to get better at your art, whichever that is, the rest will come along​

Thank you for the words of inspiration agsttne! A lot of times when i make my blogs, i think of a sentence to write but when i write it down its not exactly the meaning i try to portray. Or it lacks further explanation. But i know if i keep on writing and reading the blogs of others i will get better and better at expressing whats on my mind and putting it in pen. Practice definitely makes perfect.

Exactly! Imagine if we had the chance to read the first draft of our favorite books, I'm sure we would feel a whole lot better about our writing! Practice makes perfect, indeed. Thank you for reading!

wow amazing post @agsttne
if you can visit to my post

Nice post, i'm agree with you

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