RE: The Leafy Luxury of Philodendrons.
The name philodendron is derived from the Greek words philo (love) and dendron (tree). This classic plant is among the most popular houseplants, and considered one of the easiest to grow. Lacy tree philodendrons, also commonly known as lacy leaf philodendron, are a large upright vine native to the rainforests of Brazil. It requires space to grow them indoors, since they tend to spread wide. They grow to a height of approximately three feet, but its width can be nearly twice its height.
There are about 400 species of philodendron, a member of the family araceae. Philodendrons fall into two basic categories: vining and non-trailing (also called self-heading). Vines are a perfect choice for a hanging basket or climbing a trellis, while upright types such as lacy tree philodendrons can make a dramatic statement in any space. They are beautiful and exotic plants, and can reach astounding heights in their native environments.
As a tropical plant, philodendron is particularly effective at helping the clean the air we breathe. To take advantage of its air purification qualities for a healthier home environment, place philodendron plants in every 100 square feet of living space and let it do what it does naturally.
Philodendron are sometimes confused with pothos plants, but you can tell the difference by the leaves. They are similar in shape, but pothos leaves usually are variegated with yellow or white splotches.
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