Betterlife The Dairy Game [24/October/2024] by ahmadbhatti29

in Steem For Pakistan4 months ago
Assalam o Alaikum

How are you friends hope you all are doing well and living your life with fun keep smiling like that.
So guys I am going to share my today's diary hope you like it

Let's start today's diary game


Today, I woke up early in the morning, went to the mosque first, performed the Fajr prayer, calmed down, worshiped Allah, read the Holy Quran, and stayed in the mosque for some time to rest.
To get the cool air in the morning and to keep your health at its best, take the fresh air of exercise like daily, then return home, have a light breakfast and decide what to do today.

Today was nothing special. Nothing special was done today. We had to go on a long route. First we went to the mechanic. Got the bike serviced. Don't worry us


After having the best bike service we set out for a long route on the best road because today we had to go to Sahiwal to visit a shop so we left early in the morning so that we could reach the shop early and do our work. Come back soon

It was very late. Returning home, hungry on the way, I saw fresh grapes on a vine. The garden became a garden.

It was evening when we reached back home, I saw that today no one fed my pigeon, nor did anyone give it enjoyment. And may your time pass with ease with them, and I have kept such birds in the house for my hobby.
I quickly took him out of the cage, gave him some water and was busy with him for some time, then had dinner and went to bed.

Laid down on my bed to relax, opened the laptop, started doing something, then came my most beloved cat, who keeps me company in everything, for enjoyment.


My dear friends, you must have some birds and animals in your home that you give some time to them and believe that your heart will be happy with them and your time will be spent with them.
So friends this was my today's diary game I hope my today's day has passed you will like it thank you all friends

Thanks for visiting my post

Best Regards

