~Life or Death Is Bet Of The Life Of The Fisherman~

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

Fishing is life for those who daily work catching fish or other living on the ocean floor or surface waters. Waters into the fishing activity can be is freshwater, brackish or sea. In a country that already has such a level of rapid developments in Southeast Asia or in the @afrika are still many fishermen using simple equipment in catching fish. Fishing communities in developed countries usually use modern equipment and a large ship which is equipped advanced technology. The life of fishing communities every day risking his fate into the beach there is an interesting part of the trawl and ground part have small boats for fishing or filter out the fish at sea. The life of a fisherman will never change the fate of the fish market due to the unstable economy and society does not match between revenue and expenditure.
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Toward morning, life morning begins the lowliest Pusong sea coast town of Lhokseumawe, Aceh. Along with the rhythm of nature, some fishermen began its activities in order to sea. They started rushing, racing with the time. Do not let them be preceded by sunshine and tricks sting rolls the higher waves. The lowliest citizen Beach Pusong Lhokseumawe indeed is known as a formidable fisherman, because most of them came from other regions joined together to celebrity status with his fishing-fishermen who are good at sea. Only use boats with high-powered machines 5 to 12 horsepower they were able to sail up to 3 Mill is far from the shore. Even capable of wading through the sea of up to 3 days old. Fee required for all sea around Rp. 200.000.00 (two hundred thousand Rupiah). IDR 100.000.00 (one hundred thousand dollars) to buy the fuel, and the rest to prepare for sea. There is a part of the vessel trawl Langga with departing up to a week in the middle of the sea to find fish while fishing communities that can attract the small trawler diperairan land.

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Beach panorama Pusong Lhokseumawe with the sea waves as high as one to one comma five metres looks really beautiful, especially in the corner of the beach looks a few boats over sand makes the natural atmosphere of the fishing life increasingly clear visible. Before going to sea fishermen also set up a boat and fishing equipment. The dancing waves crashing rolls and blown tempting. Fishing communities are preparing to sail by pushing the boat to the shore trying to find gaps to penetrate the ranks of the waves that come your way. When perhau floats the boat engine drove broke the rushing waves.

When the fishermen fought hard to earn a living in the middle of the ocean, their wives waiting for catches while first settled home, cooking potluck as well as selling the fish. In fact there are also working in the stalls packed around the coast of Pusong, true life of fishermen still in pathetic conditions, like ducks swimming in the Lake is dying of hunger and thirst in chicken barns. Sometimes the results of sales of fish just enough to feed the family daily, so as not to reach out to the needs of others. Not to mention the other heavy burdens that must be their pikul or they paced back if the Government raise the price of fuel (Fuel oil), fuel oil merangkat ride their suffering any more weight.

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Although all day looking for fish in the middle of the sea sometimes results obtained not how. Some of the constraints of his certainly does not make them discouraged, they keep the spirit of any fish that is in the can. They should return home, the fish catches him on sale in FAP (Fish Auction) or at the fish market. His buyers no other beach visitors, home owners, and communities around the coast of Pusong. Diserpaan coastal breezes, visitors staying devouring fish processed according the order. That's pleasure in the midst of the pulse of the life of fishermen Pusong, Lhokseumawe. The beautiful panorama of Pangandaran Beach turns out to be not as good as the life of the fishermen of his hometown. They can only surrender to the Almighty which has its contents and its nature.

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Should have it here is the role of Government that should be the way for the sake of the progress his Special fishermen on the coast of Aceh Lhokseumawe, Indonesia Pusong. The Government through the Department of marine and Fisheries should facilitate the fishermen. Help is not just a question of funding for the effort but better with facilities for fishermen. Suppose the machines, pajeko, tools and fishing nets. During this time also help from the Government are not right on target, because many fishermen who really do not enjoy such assistance. Not right on target because the only fisherman wearing suit or a fisherman fishing entrepreneurs who enjoy the help of it.

Should They Rich ...
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Yes, they are supposed to be rich. Who are they?. They are the majority of Indonesia society. Under article 46 of the United Nations Convention on the law of the Sea (UNCLOS1982), the Indonesiamerupakan island nation affirmed in article 2 paragraph (1) of the Act of the Republic of Indonesia No. 6 Tahunl996 about Indonesia Waters; NegaraRepublik Indonesia is a NegaraKepulauan. The whole wide lautIndonesia (total Indonesian Waters) 5.8 million km2 comprising: spacious perairankepulauan or sea archipelago (TotalArchipelagic Waters) 2.3 million km2; large territorial waters (Total Territorial Waters) 0.8 million km2; The vast waters of ZEEIndonesia (Total of IndonesianWaters EEZ) 2.7 million km2; danPanjang coastline (CoastLine of English) 95,181 km. (KementerianKelautan and fisheries, 2009:1.). The potential of the marine form of the coral reefs, padanglamun, mengrove and especially the abundant and varied fish should make Indonesia prosperous Community fishermen. However such assessment, most of the fishermen we are below the poverty line. Based on World Bank data on poverty, that 108.78 million or 49 percent of Indonesia's total population in conditions of poor and vulnerable to be poor. The Central Bureau of statistics (BPS), with different calculations dariBank announced angkakemiskinan in Indonesia amounted to jutaorang 34.96 (15.42 percent). The figure is obtained based on the size of the established poverty line amounted to 1.55 dollarAS. Most (63.47 percent) poor population in Indonesia are the regions of coastal and countryside (BPS, 2008). Who live in the coastal region?. In make sure they are fishermen. In terms of Economics, the catch is insufficient for their daily needs. If compared with its Chinese State not covering Indonesia, the condition of China's Fishing economy is much better compared with the beloved Negarakita. Vice Chairman Of Kadin Fishery And Marine Yugi.

Farmers and fishermen are the majority of the population of this country of the profession. Almost 60% of the population of Indonesia are in the countryside and the coast. This profession in accordance with nature Indonesia which is indeed an agricultural and sea as the largest region of the country. But it seems this profession became a major contributor to poverty and low quality of human resources of our nation. Poverty as a social disease of the developing world continued to grew among farmers and fishermen in particular. Seolah–olah be keterpaksaan, whereas fishing is our rich sea Kingdom and save trillions of wealth if it is able to manage it optimally.

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In fact the fishermen still slumped in the pride of poverty and ignorance, it is far from prosperous. On the other hand the politicians and the bureaucracy "of" property and wealth, the results of the sea are only enjoyed by the handful of entrepreneurs who are reluctant to share though just the CSR programs that became their duty to help the fishermen. This is the fact that people say the country star's equatorial plane. If it was like this when the fishermen will be prosperous? Wait until the fish in the sea is exhausted by the action of the illegal fishing ships are collaborating with criminals in the country? or did the fishermen will not be prosperous? Sulitkah create a prosperous fishing?

If traced deeper, there are several things which made Indonesia less developed fisheries sector, namely the minimal Infrastructure, policies that did not favour the development of the fisheries sector, the poor condition of the equipment and an understanding of the fisherman , as well as the low supporting aspects in the form of fuel oil (FUEL).

First, the minimal infrastructure can be seen from the lack of cold storage in some areas, fishing technologies that are still using traditional equipment, most of the structure of the fleet owned by the still predominantly small-scale structures and traditional (low-tech), the limited social and economic infrastructure (transportation, communications, health, education and housing) and so on.

Second, the policies do not favour the development of the fisheries sector can be seen from the absence of a firm and courageous policy which resulted in the rise of the practice illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, weak law enforcement, corruption environment of the marine ecosystem caused by the bombing and mining of sand.

Third, the low level of understanding of the conditions and the fisherman can be seen from the lack of understanding of fishermen because most of the traditional fishing is fishing with karaktersitik social culture that has not been conducive to the progress of the business and weak market Intelligence mastery that includes information about the price and market segment, competitors. Some fishermen also dominated by poor fishermen.

The fourth is supporting aspects, one of which is fuel. Although only a supporting aspects, the role of FUEL are very important in the economy of the community is mainly for operational activities and fuel. Fuel oil (FUEL) is one of the important components in a fishing operation, these components accounted for 60% of total operating costs ' (Hermawan, 2006) '.

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