"The Palace in the second world war: The Castle suffered the heaviest damage during ...

in APPICS5 years ago

... the siege of Budapest in the Second World War. Several thousand soldiers were quartered in the Palace, and thus the building became a target of artillery barrages. No less than 65% of the Palace area was totally destroyed. The majority of the furnishings disappeared although most of the paintings survived and ended up in museum collections"

These Huge walls have been put up in the Vicinity of the Buda Castle 🏰 where repair works are still going on, 70 years after WW2.

War may boost the Ego's of a few people during turbulent times, but it's the devastation & recovery afterwards that is painful!

I fell in ❤️ with Budapest for this specific reason - after bearing devastating damages, today it stands and continues to bulid/repair itself; not giving up 🛡️


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But what is that sign for? Which palace?

It is for The Buda Castle 🏰 i'll share a pic on Appics soon, and you can see how it's been restored now! The Sign in this picture shows the destruction by bomber planes during the world wars..

So a great history stands behind it!

What a great story! Wow 70 years Lest We Forget...

Lovely photograph, who have clicked this amazing picture?

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