My Documentary Film about Ancient Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam Artifacts
Banda Aceh is a place where the ancient Aceh Darussalam kingdom once stood. Before Aceh Darussalam also stood several ancient kingdoms around Aceh Besar, such as the Kingdom of Lamuri. A community of historical lovers consisting of young people from various circles trying to find artifacts in the form of encrypted tombstones. This ancient tombstone has been buried by mud, even the funeral complex has become a pond that will be flooded by water when the tide arrives.
Banda Aceh adalah tempat di mana kerajaan kuno Aceh Darussalam dulu pernah berdiri. Sebelum Aceh Darussalam juga berdiri beberapa kerajaan kuno di sekitar Aceh Besar, seperti Kerajaan Lamuri. Sebuah komunitas pecinta sejarah yang beranggotakan anak muda dari berbagai kalangan mencoba untuk menemukan artefak-artefak berupa batu nisan berinskripsi. Batu nisan kuno ini sudah tertimbun oleh lumpur, bahkan komplek pemakamannya sudah menjadi tambak yang akan tergenang oleh air ketika air pasang tiba.
In this documentary with a duration of 3 minutes I tried to record the activities of a group of young history lovers who called themselves MAPESA (Society for the Care of the History of Aceh). They set aside time off to look for evidence of the glory of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam which is said to have been established before the formation of the Republic of Indonesia. The Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam even existed before the Dutch became independent. Aceh has built diplomacy with the Ottoman Empire and Italy, even the United Kingdom.
Dalam film dokumenter dengan durasi 3 menit ini saya mencoba merekam aktifitas kelompok anak muda pecinta sejarah yang menamakan diri mereka MAPESA (Masyarakat Peduli Sejarah Aceh). Mereka menyisihkan waktu libur untuk mencari bukti-bukti kejayaan Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam yang konon sudah berdiri sebelum terbentuknya Republik Indonesia. Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam bahkan sudah ada sebelum Belanda merdeka. Aceh sudah membangun diplomasi dengan Kerajaan Turki Usmani dan Italia, bahkan Kerajaan Inggris.
This film has been screened at the World Nomads Documentary Festival in India.
Film ini pernah diputar di World Nomads Documentary Festival di India.
Hi Akbar, this is an excellent little film - good story, good production, good length. I learnt a lot from it.
MSP Waves radio show host.
Editor of the weekly listing of steem radio shows, podcasts & open space broadcast.
Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.
Thank you @pennsif . Happy to hear that