Financial Education - Timely information and adequate training on the tax culture
Continuing with my thematic line and in order to strengthen the tax culture, understood as the set of values, beliefs and attitudes shared by a society with respect to taxation and the laws that govern it, which leads to permanent compliance with fiscal duties, it is required that the population obtains knowledge on the subject and understands the importance of its tax responsibilities.

This understanding is nurtured by timely information and adequate training, which must lead to acceptance, derived from awareness. This is essential to achieve a firm and sustainable collection in the medium and long term, so that it is also possible to meet the commitments from the point of view of planning and budgetary and fiscal resources.
In short, the central axes for the promotion of Tax Culture are information, training and awareness, which are articulated around reason as the fundamental desirable motive for the action of paying taxes.
If paying taxes is an individual fact of social transcendence, then tax culture is the variable that encompasses both dimensions, in developing countries a tax culture can only be considered as a possibility still quite incipient in the horizons of the Citizen-State relationship.

A tax culture is not decreed, deployed or matured at the behest of state power because from that sphere it is conceived, understood and identified only with the payment of taxes. Thus, the recipe from the State looks like this: tax culture = paying taxes.