in #steemchurch6 years ago

Good day parishioners, hope we are doing great.
This time I will like us to consider the conscience as one of the things in the heart of ma .it was not told whether the conscience was in man's heart before the fall. One clear thing is that the conscience started to torment man as soon as he ate the forbidden fruit. This happened because sin had destroyed the relationship between man and God. I believe this helped to wake the conscience of man as an instrument of God's leading to know the difference between good and evil. Even with this, conscience is not given the power to stop evil or good but to condemn man.
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Genesis 3:9-11 (KJV) And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the man said, The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.

Note: The first work of the conscience in man's heart was seen in the scripture above.

"And God said, where art thou". This question is very straight forward, Adam ought to answer the question straight but his answer was I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid. He could have easily said here am l. This is where we see that fear entered into the heart of man, there was no fear in man before this time, they were used to hearing God's voice without any fear or molestation. They could not fear because there was no sin in them until they ate the fruit.

God asked Adam "Who thold thee that thou was naked". He didn't understand nor does he know the one who told him that he was naked.
I will like to ask a question, Why did Adam and Eve run away from God's presence Another question is this, "how did they know that they had signed?" Truly this is their conscience. This is the first place in the Bible where we get the understanding of the work of conscience in man's life.

Finally, I will like to tell us few things about the conscience in the Bible and we will also look into the times and dispensation .
There are seven dispensation, and they are seven different times that God chose to have dealings with man, in different ways. These are as follows:

  1. The dispensation of time before the fall of Man: This was the period when man was living in the Garden of Eden. Man was innocent this time.
  2. The Dispensation of Conscience: This was the time from the fall of man to the flood of Noah.
  3. The Dispensation of Human Government: From the flood of Noah to the period of the tower of Babel.
  4. The Dispensation of Promise: From the time of Abraham to the time of Mount Sinai.
  5. The Dispensation of Law: From Mount Sinai to the Cross of Calvary.
  6. The Dispensation of Grace: From the Cross of Calvary to the time of the rapture of the church.
  7. The Dispensation of Millennium reign of Christ: As I said before, I want to the dispensation of Conscience in this lesson. This is the period of time that lasted about one thousand and sixty six years, which is from the time of the fall to the time of flood of Noah. During this time we see Cain who was a farmer, and Abel who was a shepherd.
    I will continue this lesson in my next post
    Thanks for reading to this very end



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Our conscience can come to aid when faced with a decision that has to do with morality. The challenge is that many persons have killed their conscience - they continue to participate in activities that does not conform with God's views on good and bad.