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Por: Alcides J. Cádiz #Venezuela

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Un Chihuahua no se siente mal
por ser uno de las mas pequeños de su raza.
Un Collie no va a la peluquería
para sus largos cabellos volverlos rizados.
Un San Bernardo no se mira al espejo
para llorar porque esta obeso.
Todos ellos aceptan la variedad del universo.
De seguro ya sabes de lo que van estos versos.

El Colibrí no deja de volar
ni de andar de acá para allá,
no le importa si el Avestruz es descomunal.
El Pingüino no va por el hielo deprimido
debido a que sus alas no lo elevan al infinito.
La Gaviota no se encierra en su nido
al saber que sus ojos no son como del Águila.
Cada uno de ellos disfruta y vive como es.
¿Ya entendiste lo que intento decirte?

Compararse es odioso e innecesario,
la naturaleza que es tan sabia no lo hace.
Aprendamos de los animales,
que al parecer son más humanos que nosotros.
Olvídate del espejo por un instante,
y dime ¿lo captaste?

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A Chihuahua does not feel bad
because it is one of the smallest of its breed.
A Collie doesn't go to the hairdressers
to get his long hair curled.
A Saint Bernard doesn't look in the mirror
to cry because he is obese.
They all embrace the variety of the universe.
Surely you know what these verses are about.

The Hummingbird does not stop flying
or wandering back and forth,
it doesn't care if the Ostrich is huge.
The Penguin doesn't go on the ice depressed
because its wings do not lift it to infinity.
The Seagull does not shut himself up in his nest
knowing that his eyes are not like those of the Eagle.
Each one of them enjoys and lives as he is.
Do you understand what I am trying to tell you?

To compare is hateful and unnecessary,
nature that is so wise does not do it.
Let's learn from animals,
who are apparently more human than we are.
Forget about the mirror for a moment,
and tell me, did you get it?

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Poemas ✏️ | Portafolio exclusivo de Steemit 2020
Poemas ✏️ | Portafolio exclusivo de Steemit 2021

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Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

 2 years ago 

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