Trip to unknown tunnel - S.Justa Valongo | Portugal


And there we went to the straw field, which has been a meeting point and passage for many of the people who choose Santa Justa Sierra to make their walks and at the same time maintain their social distance.
Once there, we put a blanket on the ground to have a picnic taking advantage of the shade that the trees provide and make that place a kind of base for us to get together, since each one ends up practicing a different activity.


Some choose to lie down and read a book, others do handicrafts and the children are divided between running, kicking balls and making mini craft dams in one of the streams that pass there.
I stay there as long as necessary to organize the games and then i excuse myself to leave with the promise of returning in an instant and there i go to the middle of the vegetation looking for new caves, holes, plants, animals .... in fact, anything worth good pictures.



I went towards a place that i already shared here, where we can find several excavations and caves, but this time i did not move on, instead i decided to follow the trail of the water line down the mountain towards the iron waters that are further down by the ecological corridor that connects the city of Valongo to the Couce sierra.
Right there at the beginning, it was possible to verify a stirred soil, with many loose stones and some cavities that for some reason i am unaware of, were either covered, or were never completed.




I have already explained here why it is possible to find so many caves and moats in this mountain, which is due to the mining exploitation that was carried out here by the Romans many years ago, and further down, following the water line, i found a fissure that at the beginning i thought it was of natural origin, but the small hole i found at one end led me to conclude that it was not, again, it was the work of the human hand.






The site was not easily accessible and the only way to view beyond the dark would be to reach out as far as possible and take a photo with a flash ... so i did and concluded that, once again the excavation of a tunnel, but for some reason they did not continue and ended practically where it started.
I was sure that the path would continue to go down, something called me down, and after a few feints and dribbling at loose stones and vegetation, there it was, with a sign that intends to ward off any curious, although it was never my intention to enter without the proper equipment, i couldn't resist getting closer and once again reaching out and taking another photo with a flash, this time to see that it seems to take us somewhere.






I didn't go this time, because i had no flashlight, no ropes, nor was I minimally prepared for what i was going to find, and of course, my family was waiting for me in the field of straw ...
But it is marked and one day i will have to go back there, let alone to make that curve and see what is beyond the dark :)

That´s all for today :)

See you soon

Thank you for watching :)

All images are my property | Images © 2020 @aleister