Big eyes Repost
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Hi there! I want to show you a step by step of this beautiful face of a girl that I just did, drawing is something that I am passionate about and the more practical the happier I feel about how he improved, I would like to share with you this last drawing that I did with a lot effort, it took me 2 hours to finish it I feel that every time it takes less time and that is very good, let's see below a brief explanation of how to get to this result.
My drawing began with a sketch, the sketch helps guide us to know where we are going to place each part of the face, after making this sketch, add a new layer and I was highlighting those strokes with better precision to achieve giving the desired shape to the draw.
Using various shades of skin color, pink, brown and white, I painted with the watercolor brush in an abrupt way and with medium opacities, and then gradually blurred these colors with a lower opacity, thus achieving, mixing them together.
It is time to color the mouth, for this I used an opaque pink tone and the airbush to soften the mouth, I also began to paint the eyes and eyebrows, for them I used the watercolor brush again and playing with blue tones I was adding more details to the eye.
Now paint the hair a light blue as a base, to then add darker colors, resizing the brushes to give the appearance of hair and degrading colors. Paint the clothes a black color.
Finalmente pinte el fondo usando dos tonalidades de verde, uno claro y uno oscuro y asi fue como realice esta ilustración.
Finally paint the background using two shades of green, one light and one dark, and that's how I made this illustration.
I hope you liked this step by step, it is not perfect but every day I feel that I can achieve more, always remember to try to do what you like and if it does not work, you can continue practicing until you have a result.
Previously published in hive / anteriormente publicado en hive