Dibalik keasaman belimbing, ternyata mengandung banyak nutrisi yang diperlukan tubuh

in #fhotography7 years ago

Hallo steemian all.!!

Above is the fruit starfruit vegetables, I photographed it with camera mobile phone 📱Sony experia M 4 aqua. That is the star fruit tree that is beside my own house.

Diatas adalah buah belimbing sayur, saya memotretnya dengan kamera handphone 📱Sony experia M 4 aqua. Yaitu pohon belimbing yang ada di samping rumah saya sendiri.

My vegetable starfruit in my dwelling is called acid starfruit. Because it feels very sour. Its name is also not to be eaten so that's it, but for seasoning vegetables.

Belimbing sayur di tempat tinggal saya disebut dengan belimbing asam. Dikarenakan rasanya sangat asam. Namanya juga bukan untuk dimakan begitu itu saja, melainkan untuk penyedap sayuran.

Namun demikian diberbagai tempat dikenal pula dengan nama belimbing wuluh, belimbing buluh, belimbing botol dan belimbing besi.

However, in various places also known by the name of star fruit wuluh, belimbing reeds, starfruit bottle and starfruit.

Although it has a very sour taste. It turns out that behind its acidity contains so many nutrients the body needs, including vitamins B, C, iron, phosphorus, fiber, and anti oxidants.

Come on the steemians, do not hesitate to consume it.

Meskipun memiliki rasa yang sangat asam. Ternyata dibalik keasaman nya mengandung begitu banyak nutrisi yang diperlukan tubuh, di antaranya vitamin B,C, zat besi, fosfor, serat, dan anti oksidan.

Ayo para steemian, jangan sungkan untuk mengkonsumsi nya.


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