Revisione dell'analisi musicale:Blinded by Love - Because Love Is Blinded

in Italy4 years ago

Chi non conosce Lenka? Il nome completo della cantante Lenka Kripac ha già evocato gli intenditori di musica con alcune canzoni orecchiabili (Trouble is a Friend e Everything at Once). Ma in questa occasione non discuterò delle due canzoni. Nella recensione musicale questa volta recensirò "Blinded by Love".

Non ricordo quando e come conosco esattamente questa canzone. Ma ricordo bene; quando ho sentito questa canzone ho annuito con la testa e ho accettato ogni testo. Inoltre ammira il personaggio, se potessi chiamarlo così, che si trova nella storia del testo della canzone di questo cantante australiano.

Blinded by Love è una canzone piuttosto vecchia, perché Lenka e Sony l'hanno pubblicata nel 2011. Ma penso che questa canzone sia davvero durevole e adatta per essere ascoltata in qualsiasi momento. Soprattutto il tempo di nuovo mellow o pengin bersendu ria. Perché, Lenka sembrava fare questa canzone per le coppie che sono di nuovo in una recessione d'amore e che stanno ricordando il primo.


Lyrics and Songs Blinded by Love

Verse 1

I came home and nothing was right
It's been a while since a fight
Well, maybe tonight
My need for love can blind my sight
And I say things out of spite
Or I push you aside

Pre Chorus
Oh, I don't know how to fix it
I am falling apart and I am breaking your heart

Help me to see
'Cause I am blinded by love, blinded by love
And help me to be the one to guide us
Through the dark things we do

Verse 2

Now I know I can be tough sometimes
My words come out like knives
Cutting the space between us
And you try, yeah, I know you try
To just let things slide
But what good is that to us?

Pre Chorus
Oh, oh, I don't know
I am falling apart and I am breaking your heart

Help me to see
'Cause I am blinded by love, blinded by love
And help me to be the one to guide us
Through the dark things we do

Oh, I don't know what possibly changed
We were so good, so good
And where is the light at the end of this tunnel
'Cause I am falling apart and I am breaking your heart

Down Chorus
Help me to see
'Cause I am blinded by love, blinded by love

And help me to be the one to guide us
Through the dark things we do

Analysis Song Blinded by Love

Review of Music Analysis: Blinded by Love - Because Love Is Blinded
vonnaputra (54)in #music • 3 years ago
Who does not know Lenka? Singer full name of Lenka Kripac has already conjured music connoisseurs with some catchy songs (Trouble is a Friend and Everything at Once). But on this occasion I will not discuss the two songs. In the music review this time, I will review "Blinded by Love".

I do not remember when and how exactly I know this song. But I remember correctly; when I heard this song I nodded my head and agreed on every lyric. Plus admire the character-if I could call it that-which is in the story on the lyrics of this Australian singer's song.

Blinded by Love is quite an old song, because Lenka and Sony released it in 2011. But I think this song is really durable and suitable to be heard at any time. Especially time again mellow or pengin bersendu ria. Because, Lenka seemed to make this song for couples who are again in a recession of love and who are remembering the former.

Lyrics and Songs Blinded by Love
Verse 1

I came home and nothing was right
It's been a while since a fight
Well, maybe tonight
My need for love can blind my sight
And I say things out of spite
Or I push you aside

Pre Chorus
Oh, I don't know how to fix it
I am falling apart and I am breaking your heart

Help me to see
'Cause I am blinded by love, blinded by love
And help me to be the one to guide us
Through the dark things we do

Verse 2

Now I know I can be tough sometimes
My words come out like knives
Cutting the space between us
And you try, yeah, I know you try
To just let things slide
But what good is that to us?

Pre Chorus
Oh, oh, I don't know
I am falling apart and I am breaking your heart

Help me to see
'Cause I am blinded by love, blinded by love
And help me to be the one to guide us
Through the dark things we do

Oh, I don't know what possibly changed
We were so good, so good
And where is the light at the end of this tunnel
'Cause I am falling apart and I am breaking your heart

Down Chorus
Help me to see
'Cause I am blinded by love, blinded by love

And help me to be the one to guide us
Through the dark things we do

Analysis Song Blinded by Love

Not much different from the song "I'm Not the Only One" created by Sam Smith, or "Keep Being You" Isyana's, Blinded by Love is written in simple language and not too difficult, so listeners whose mother tongue is not English can be immediately click and understand.

However, I can not say Lenka created this song without tucking the connotation here and there. What does Lenka insert? Let us dive into Lenka's song.

Blinded by Love tells of the contemplation of a relationship woman he wakes with the Beloved and their quarrel a few days ago.

In verse 1 it was told that the woman came home and felt there was nothing right in her life. All this because his attention was consumed in the quarrel he experienced with his partner.

I came home and nothing was right
It's been a while since a fight
Well, maybe tonight

That night the woman confessed to herself that the desire to be loved in her made the woman blind-including the feelings of her partner and the situation that happened to them. Thus, the woman can not think clearly.

My need for love can blind my sight
And I say things out of spite
Or I push you aside

Then, under such conditions, the woman speaks without using logic and acting without thinking carefully. As a result, instead of getting a settlement, the woman pushes her partner from her side and creates a chasm between them.

Oh, I do not know how to fix it
I am falling apart and I am breaking your heart

In pre chorus, it is described that the woman herself is at her home and dissolves in her confusion and solitude. He can not find a solution to fix the problem. Instead, the woman even felt crushed. And at the same time he made his partner's heart broken.

Help me to see
'Cause I am blinded by love, blinded by love

However, in the chorus, the woman shows that she still loves her partner, so instead of being cold and keeping her distance from the ego, she reaches out to her partner-asking for help to see.

"Seeing" here does not mean seeing and reading the situation and understanding the problems that happen to both. But, tracing the next line, the woman gestures to her partner to help her not to be blinded by love.

On the other hand, seeing the woman repeating the words "blinded by love", the woman may realize that her understanding of love has been wrong-that she has been mixing love with selfishness and obsessive nature for her.

However, on the chorus, which is the essence of a song, the woman shows goodwill willingly to change and asks her partner to make her a better person.

And help me to be the one to guide us
Through the dark things we do

At the same time, the woman not only wants to improve her relationship, but she also wants to be the one-I mean "the fated person" -for her partner. And when the problem hit them again, he was able to cope without repeating the same mistake.

Now I know I can be tough sometimes
My words come out like knives
Cutting the space between us
And you try, yeah, I know you try
To just let things slide
But what good is that to us?

In verse 2, the woman again dissolves in her contemplation. He analyzes his mistakes once more and realizes that sometimes he can be so hard. The first line of the second verse implies two things: 1) it may be that the woman has been selfish and never seen her mistake; 2) the woman has presented herself as a feminine person, so she is considered a gentle figure by her surroundings and the woman believes in this.

Until finally the problem with this partner-whatever that is-happened to the woman and cut their closeness.

The problem that also affects her also makes her aware that her spouse always pampers herself by letting any friction happen between them, without really discussing it. And the woman gets used to her partner's attitude, so she underestimates her partner. But now the woman realizes that her partner and the relationship they are holding are valuable, and how bad the impact of his partner's attitude.

Oh, I do not know what possibly changed
We were so good, so good
And where is the light at the end of this tunnel
'Cause I am falling apart and I am breaking your heart

In his contemplation, in addition to analyzing his mistakes, the woman also tries to read what has happened to her, her partner, and the relationship that they intertwine. But the woman does not find a change that makes their relationship awkward. In the woman's eyes, they used to be fine. Very good actually. With the relationship the woman considered the same, she did not understand why she and her partner were stuck in a situation that seemed hopeless-which the woman likes to be in an endless tunnel (the third line on the bridge).

With his chaotic self, unable to find a way out, the woman at the same time ruined her partner's feelings.

Help me to see
'Cause I am blinded by love, blinded by love

And help me to be the one to guide us
Through the dark things we do

On the down chorus that became part of the cover of the song Blinded by Love, the woman is still in the pleading stage. She asks her partner to help her avoid being blinded by love-and perhaps her ego-so that she can be the right one for her partner and be able to guide them through the bad things that come from the friction between the two.

Analysis of Blinded by Love Song Composition

The song opens with a light piano accompaniment. The keys are pressed slowly to accompany the luminous and luminous sound of Lenka during verse 1.

However, at the end of verse 1, the bass appears and blends with the drum as it enters the pre chorus. Once up the chorus, every instrument plays so harmoniously, slowly, and flowing. Although at the same time the bass sounded quite dominant on the song "Blinded by Love". What changes in this section is Lenka's more intense voice, as if to express his regret.

In verse 2, the sounds of piano instruments, bass and drums are playing slowly again. As if the high-light grief delivered by Lenka through his clear voice.

The music on the song Blinded by Love plays with a similar rhythm and barely changes for part verse, pre chorus, and chorus. To convey the sense and mellow tone, this song uses the method of negating some instruments and rely on the change in tone of Lenka's voice. Which I think is right for a song like Blinded by Love. Because, this will make the listener concentrate on the lyrics and style of "storytelling" the singer through their intrepretation when singing.

Final Words for Blinded by Love Song

Honestly, I can never love the heartbreaking songs that are too menye-menye and sell lyrics that spit broken hearts. But, although Blinded by Love offers a heartbroken theme, I love this song. Because Lenka's lyrics do not just express grief and pity-or vilify others.
On the contrary, Lenka, as the representative of the female figure, blames herself.

With simple but meaningful lyrics, crisp singer's voice, and the music that fits, Blinded by Love comes with a captivate, and featuring another side of Lenka is better known for its up-beat and cheerful song.