Achievement 4 task applying markdown method by @alieaza192

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Hello everyone guys

How are you? I hope you are well I'm fine too After Achievement 3 was verified, I completed Achievement 4 with the help of a given task due to @cryptokannon.


Markdown is a marking language that makes it easy to customize text using specific characters. Markdown, we can change the text to make it more pleasing to the reader. Healthy; raising the point of split head or Steemit color among other variables

Hashtag (#): helps us increase or decrease the size of the title or the word we want to highlight is placed in the space between the hashtag and the selected phrase

  #  Headline   1
   ##  Headline   2
  ###  Headline   3
####  Headline   4
#####  Headline   5
###### Headline   6

number of hashtags (#)(#) place will determine the size of word.


Headline 1

Headline 2

Headline 3

Headline 4

Headline 5
Headline 6

Markdown for Bold headline

This key is used for the title unit, which is very useful for creating themes

       **using bold syntax**

result it's

using bold syntax

Link hide to source

This feature is to used hide of link the source image.

      [Source](Link )

Result it's



A very simple way to create, while creating a table to copy and paste to another account in the mail

    Column 1 | Column  2| Column 3
--------- | ----------|---------
    Row 1 | Row  2| Row 3
     Ali 1| Ali 2| Ali 3


Column 1Column 2Column 3
Row 1Row 2Row 3
Ali 1Ali 2Ali 3

For center Text

We call this the gist of the text. It is used to insert when using the center of the page text.

      <center> text here </center> 

result it's

text here

add Subscript

This function was used to easy to add numbers or text above.

 <sub> text or number here </sub>

Result it's

text or number here
Thanks you for all guys

spacial thanks


 3 years ago 

Hi @aliraza192,


You have been successfully verified by amjadsharif, you can further proceed to next Achievement Task

Rate: 2

 3 years ago 

Hi, @aliraza192,

Your post has been supported by @wilmer1988 from the Steem Greeter Team.