Going Ombre: why change?

in #beauty7 years ago

Why change?

Some of us may look at change and frown up on the thought of change. Others may embrace the thought of change. Others may not even care. Lastly others like me will question change: what kind of change, why change, will it benefit me, etc.

The last few years have been nothing but change for me: constant work change, endless moves from one place to the next, meeting new faces, saying goodbye to sweet faces I love so dearly, seeing new places and so on, so needless to say, I am no stranger when it comes to change, in fact when I don't see change around me I start questioning what is going on.

That being said, I am also tired of change, I want to be established and settled in the new place we now call "home" so during our last work trip that took us away from our new home for about six months, I looked at my husband and told him I wanted to change my hair. Kind of funny since I just told you I was tired of change, right? Let me explain.

Sometimes you need to be in control of the change around you even if it scares you, after years of not being in control of the change around me, I was ready to make my own change in my life. My hair was one thing that I knew I could control. I haven't had any color in my hair for over 7 years and I for sure never done anything as extreme as getting an ombre. I know many of you are probably rolling your eyes well reading this and thinking that my change isn't that extreme. Well to me it was, I never even had anything as such done before and I know that I never spent so much money in getting my hair done before.

The girl that did my hair was a sweetheart, she knew what I was feeling and even after showing her a picture of what I wanted, she was careful to listen to my concerns such as: is it too blonde, will my face look ok with this type of hair color, will my eyebrows match? She answered each of my concerns with confidence and she took her time to do my hair. Never had I felt so comfortable with any other person that did my hair. What can I say, I found a new hairdresser that I can trust, that gives me the honest answers that I am looking for and on top of all that she also gave me great advice and honesty about the new place we call "home". Honestly is something that I am always looking for even if it makes me feel uncomfortable, but that is for another post another day.

Getting my hair ombre to me was a change but it means much more to me than that. First off, I faced a little fear of having such an "extreme" change done to me (I wonder how my family would feel since the have only seem me with dark hair). Secondly, I was ready to embrace the change that I was in control of; I love my new hair color and no I am not just saying that. Thirdly I want to keep up with this "ombre" hair for a bit longer and I want to perhaps even get it done even more blonder. I want this hair to be the beginning of my journey in my new home, a beginning that will be in getting established and settled down, that no longer will I have to deal with change that is constantly out of my control that forces me to think that its "normal" NO I want to be in control of my change.

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On average I've moved twice a year for almost the last 10 years, I understand your sentiments! Also recently I quit being a chef for good, I am not returning to the industry. Needless to say change is a thing in my life, but yes I want stability. I find it amusing how many coincidental things we have in common, I just recently started going to a professional barber and getting the more dappered look, I felt outside my own skin at first because I've always bedheaded my way through life.

I find your accent to be striking, hard to place my finger on it. You seem to have natural charisma on camera, so keep making videos :D Btw I had literally no idea ombre was a word, neat!

Yeah, nowadays it seems like millennial generation has to travel a lot for work, we have moved a lot also and recently cross country. Glad you are moving on from something you don't like. The accent is Romanian!

nu cred!!!! esti romanca? dar stai in america nu ?

Da sunt. Lol i live in America yes. Dont write to well in Romanian though but speak it good.

COOL! prima data cand ti-am vazut videourile am crezut ca esti din sud america de undeva.

Very beautiful ombre hair, loveeeit 🙋

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