Say about human loneliness

in Steem Schools3 years ago

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There is nothing to say about human loneliness because one's likes and dislikes are always with oneself, even if everyone in the world may leave, the sound of non-stop heartbeat on the left side of the chest is still there. There is nothing to say in silence, all the sounds, melodies, sounds, noises, to avoid the noise, even if you hold your ear, the sound inside the ear can be heard. There is no such thing as wealth, every man is his own great wealth, as well as his knowledge and willpower and patience. People keep the matter of disbelief firmly in their minds and suffer by repeatedly believing in others even with the promise of not believing in someone easily. Simple people may become clever and become fools again and again. The surprising thing is that when we forget someone, we always suffer by remembering him again and again. We get angry again and again even after the anger subsides. Many of us know that we can't fulfill our own dreams but we show our dreams to others. The funny thing is that there are many people who despise love and do not know how to pay the price of love, but at the end of the day, they go around door to door pretending to be beggars of love.
In many relationships we are neglected and most of which are zero,
Evenn so, owwning one is stiill beyonnd the reach of the averrage perrson.

Written By Alvin Wales

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