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RE: One Bit News - GARAGE sale - Issue 17

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

Good afternoon!
I put on sale this traditional jewelry box, and this traditional copper necklace that reflects my Amazigh origins.
Wooden box + Copper necklace in good conditions
The price: 55 STEEM


The wearing of copper accessories for health benefits has a long history, as it was used by the pharaohs in several household utensils and accessories, and the same for Amazigh people.

For more information on the Amazigh people, The Amazigh live in North Africa in the area extending from the west of ancient Egypt to the Canary Islands, from the southern Mediterranean border to the depths of the Sahara in Niger and Mali. With the advent of Islam in Africa many of them have adopted the adoption of the Arabic language, with the exception of Amazigh Canary Islands they speak Spanish.

Amazigh dialects vary from region to region. They are deployed in countries that have not recognized their rights but have become more active in demanding what they consider their political and cultural rights.

The link of the post is:

Kindest regards


Hello to you @Amalmez

I am interested in this: Wooden box + Copper necklace in good conditions
The price: 55 STEEM

Is there some extra deal here? Like CashBack or something..... If you do not understand me please ask your brother @Hasmez He seems to be very good at this stuff.

If there are some extra deal, just tell me I got your Wooden box + Copper necklace in good conditions
The price: 55 STEEM and I will transfer the money.

@Ramta Reddington

Hello @Ramta!
Yes there is an extra deal, any SBD generated from my post above will be transfered to you as a CashBack.
Best regards

Hello again @Amalmez

Thank you for the CashBack! I have transferred the 55 STEEM to your wallet.
Look forward to receive the wooden box and the copper necklace.

About Raymond Reddington:
My former girl friend and now my best friend @Barbro told me to look at it because she was thinking of me every time she saw an episode.
I did, and saw that this was very like me in many ways. I have to say that I try to become a nicer person every day and maybe I have a long way to go.... who knows?

Have a nice day. I wish you very well.
@Ramta Reddington

Hi sir @Ramta,
I received the Steems, I will send you the stuff as soon as possible. it is very interesting to do business with you, and thank you for the help as I am a beginner, and I try to make all my effort to learn.
In this case, looking at the series we can discover a part of you, and it is very interesting to learn from you.
have a good day

hello again @Ramta!
I just sent you the stuff by post, I wish you a good reception.
have a good day

Hi sir @Ramta!
can I ask you something, I noticed that on most of your posts you join to your comments a video which seemed to me belongs to a series, I done a little research, and because of you I just discovered a very beautiful serie very famous that I did not have the opportunity to see, and of course I will start watching it.
I'm sure you do not post these videos just if there's a good reason, and I'll try to find out the reason by watching at the series.

Best Wishes.

Hi @amalmez,
you must create a post in your blog steemit about this offer, and say that you have posted it here in this issue of this magazine "garage sales" and put here the link of your post.
Good luck!

Thank you @hasmez, it's done

So beautiful, @amalmez! This post got me interested in reading more about Amazigh people, so I did a Google search and started reading. Then I found this:

The name Berber derives from an ancient Egyptian language term meaning "outlander" or variations thereof. The exonym was later adopted by the Greeks, with a similar connotation.

This made me kind of embarrassed, as this is the word we use in the Norwegian language as well. Of course, no one knows this means «outlander», but still. Since the quote also names «Greeks» (and not «Hellenes»), I guess this is something that goes for many people. Should we not, in the age of internet and easy access to knowledge, use the proper words that the people in question use themselves?

Fun fact: In Norwegian, we used the name Grekenland for Hellas until 1932 (source in Norwegian), when people using Nynorsk (one of two written variations of Norwegian, and by far the least used) demanded the change. So I guess we could raise the Amazigh case as well. Language is changing slowly, but it always starts somewhere, so why not here at @onebitnews?

Hi @alvheid,

Your comment has made me check your blog and I found that you are a lady! So I added you to @barbro, @Susanne and my two sisters @gagago and @amalmez in my comment at "your steem magazine" issue.

By the way, I have seen that you are interested in sourdough! My wife and I just started making sourdough bread as our forefathers had done before because of its health benefits compared to ordinary bread.

Best regards

Thank you for the add! And for the reminder – I need to make sourdough today, so I can have fresh bread for breakfast tomorrow! :) I also make sourdough bread for the health benefits, and I see more and more people are also starting to make fermented vegetables and other traditional, health-giving foods, both local and inspired from other parts of the world.

Yes @alvheid you're right, unfortunately the original inhabitants have become foreigners, in addition to the language that begins to disappear gradually. and as you mentioned we could raise the Amazigh case, and why not start here at @onebitnews 👍🏼

Hi @Alvheid Sorry but I have a clarification for you we are not Berberes, we are Amazigh there is a great difference between them. open this link and you will find the explanation and if you do not understand the French language then you have only "copy paste" to google translation 😉😊.

Oh wow, what a piece!
I know someone who might be interested in this, I'll make sure they check this out!

Okey, thank you very much @flatman.