Genetic, Could Be Because Someone Afraid of Math

in #education7 years ago (edited)

When dealing with mathematical problems, a person may have cold sweat overwhelmed by excessive anxiety. This happens because according to experts the body releases the stress hormone cortisol so that it can trigger a physical response.



But why can math actually make the body release stress hormones? Well recent studies conducted by researchers at King's College London mention the possibility due to genetic influences.

The researchers found out after looking at data from 1,400 twin pairs aged 19-21 years. After considering factors such as life experiences, peers, and extracurricular activities, researchers can see that genetics are also responsible for anxiety.



Published in the journal Scientific Reports, one of the researchers Margherita Malanchini explains that with the already known genetic predisposition, the future may be looking for intervention steps.

Finding a specific gene for anxiety (math -red) can help identify the children most at risk early in life. That way can be intervened and prevented so that anxiety does not develop later on in different contexts



Researchers in other studies say that anxiety about mathematics can actually be a positive thing. When anxiety is combined with high motivation, a child can actually get good results when faced with math problems.

"Our findings suggest that negative associations between anxiety toward mathematics and mathematics learning skills are not universal ... Motivation can be an important protector against the negative impact of mathematical anxiety.

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