in #writing7 years ago

A ladder is a structure of wood, metal, or rope, commonly consisting of two sidepieces between which a series of bars or rungs are set at suitable distances, forming a means of climbing up or down.

The ladder in our current issue has to do with the pathways of life's achievements, successes and heights, on the ladder of life, too many activities are juxtaposed from the base to the topmost part. The ladder also refers to the people and the activities that lines up life's journeys.

We meet people of all classes in life, some who will add to our lives and those who will take from our lives, these, when put together, brings to fore a complete ladder of life.

There are people we must be careful of anyway, this is the real angle we shall dwell on - the blackmailers, those who step on the integrity of others to succeed, those who spoil one step of the ladder in order to get to the top.
Most times we forget that the people we spoil just to succeed, just to get to the top, we may need these people again, either to remain at the top or while coming down. Any success gotten through blackmail, slander, libel and character assassination is usually a pseudo success, such that isn't real and hence will not last.

The ladder is not an object that is autonomous, each step depends on the other, if the climber must get to the top. So in life, we will always need each other, hence no need to fight over whatever we ever need out of life.

It's usually easier to judge others until we find ourselves in their shoes.
People love to talk about other people, especially if they can say something bad: at work, over the backyard fence, and especially over the telephone, etc. Many newspaper columns, magazines, and TV and radio talk shows are devoted to the latest gossip about movie stars,
politicians, and other public figures. People delight in digging up dirt.

If we were honest, most of us would admit we ourselves at times have a problem with speech. How many can honestly say they have never said
something about someone else and then later realized they should not have said it? If we understood the Bible better, we might regret even most of the speeches we vomit as Christians!
Are you a politician? Or maybe you seek a certain height in life? What do you do just to get to the top of your life's ladder? Do you go about assassinating people by your tongue? How do you climb your own ladder?

Truth be told, life is made of laws, and everything in life answers to principles, you can never be sustained at the top of your ladder if the base or bottom is not well positioned on the ground.
It's true we came into the world individually, but we sure will need people to get to the top of our ladders, stop praying God for assistance, He won't come down from heaven with a big face and thunderous voice to assist you get to the top, He uses men, how do you treat these men He sends?

Most people are too lazy to do anything useful than talk, talk and more talk! No wonder that great man said that; "Little minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, great minds discuss ideas."
There are many successful people on the ladder of life just as there are many failures on that same ladder, I ask us to examine ourselves, the activities we have undergone just to succeed, how many people have we hurt along the way to the top of the ladder?
The ladder of life we all will climb, but remember while climbing, every single step is important if we must make it to the top! !!


Yes. Each step counts

Thanks so much

Respecting the process and the people along the way. Nice piece!

Exactly bro, thanks

I'm currently climbing my Own ladder towards heaven. I hope we spur and support each other on our way up, rather than pushing ourselves down. Great way to go with the article. Bless up.

Much love bro

Interesting concept you have here.Really detailed.Great post.Keep steeming Bro.

You are amongst the great minds that dicuss ideas. Well written dear

Every step counts
There are people who are like ladders to our lives too.. They help us to the top, we only need to discover them.
Thanks for sharing.

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