Some considerations on the economic situation in Venezuela.

in Project HOPE3 years ago
Dear readers, although I am not a specialist in economics for some time I have been reading a little about some aspects of economic and social interest that have been experienced in Venezuela in recent years, it is something that has become common for those of us who live in this beautiful country, since we are in need of some answers in this regard.

Image alluding to economic gear

Image design @amestyj with public domain image taken from Pixabay

I can begin by pointing out that an indicator of economic interest is based on the population of the country taking into account whether it is employed or unemployed, there are also other important elements to consider such as economic growth, trade exchange, product prices, employment wages and income distribution. Regarding the population, the country in the last decade has experienced a constant migration which has been according to some reports of specialists in the area, approximately 4 million and whose destination has been to sister countries in South America, this translates into loss of professional human talent, skilled labor, among others.

On the other hand, a large part of the population that is still active in the country has migrated from the public administration to private companies, this phenomenon is due to the salary remuneration that has affected above all the income of the public administration, therefore, private companies have received the majority of the employed population from the public administration leaving sources of employment in government institutions, which have been occupied by the unemployed population. On the other hand, within the active population we can consider the people who develop what is currently known as entrepreneurship, that is, small businesses in the formal and informal economy that have emerged as an alternative to the economic problems the country is going through.

Image allusive to the information generated by the specialist

Image design @amestyj with public domain image taken from PxHere

In this same order of ideas, if we refer to economic growth, it is well known that it is based on the increase of the gross domestic product and this is based on the sum of the added value of the products exploited or elaborated within the country plus the taxes that these generate, therefore, in the last years some specialists point out that Venezuela has had a fall of the gross domestic product, this because of certain sanctioning measures of foreign governments and bad government management, It is no secret that the main source of income of the nation is the oil industry PDVSA, which has not been able to sell crude oil in the international markets, nor has it been able to acquire inputs for the refining of crude oil and obtain by-products, not even for the national supply, also due to the decay of the infrastructure for the extraction of crude oil.

Due to the aforementioned, the mining sector has increased its activity with the extraction of some minerals and the agricultural sector has been maintained thanks to certain strategies of alliances with livestock guilds to obtain certain agricultural inputs and thus try to increase production and be able to comply with the food security of which there is so much talk worldwide. These are just a few aspects to consider that allow us to make a superficial x-ray of Venezuela's economic condition.


Hello dear professor @amestyj

This situation "Venezuela has had a fall of the gross domestic product, this due to certain sanctioning measures of foreign governments and government mismanagement, For nobody is a secret that the main source of income of the nation is the oil industry PDVSA", is in my view the element of greater weight in the economic breakdown that Venezuela is going through.

Best regards, be well.

Greetings dear friend, undoubtedly therein lies the greatest economic affectation that our country is going through, it is costing us dearly to be a mono-producer country dependent on oil, the policies should be directed to a diversified production.

See you later, greetings and blessings!

Hi dear friend @amestyj

It is no secret that the main source of income of the nation is the oil industry PDVSA

Bad, it is little to describe what our country lives, but as you say it has its 2 or 3 little things regarding production, the bad thing is that we are falling far behind, the world evolves and Venezuela does not, I am really waiting for the pandemic ends to emigrate

Greetings friend, unfortunately Venezuela has suffered a lot with the economic crisis that presents, and as you say we have not remained in the past in different areas, investments in our country are minimal, which also affects us significantly.

Thanks for leaving your point of view brother, have a happy end of the year.

Venezuela's economy is an issue, where we have a lot of fabric to cut, however, there are plans that can be implemented in order to improve the situation a bit, but we know how things work here.

I really enjoyed reading your publication, thank you very much for sharing my friend.

Financial Markets Analyst.

Hello friend, thank you for your opinion on this matter, without a doubt we have a lot of work to do on the economic problem that our country is going through, we need to develop different economic areas, we cannot depend on oil, which today due to the decay of the production infrastructure, has also collapsed causing many excases and financial imbalance in the country.

See you later, happy weekend !

Venezuela's economy is an issue, where we have a lot of fabric to cut, however, there are plans that can be implemented in order to improve the situation a bit, but we know how things work here.

I really enjoyed reading your publication, thank you very much for sharing my friend.

Financial Markets Analyst.

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