in Steem Schools2 years ago

I Will Fear No Evil

The future seems so bleak,
Dark and cloudy as I speak.
I wonder, when will I reach my peak?
As the best route to success I seek.
Sadly, evil has gone on a steep rise,
As youngsters take short cuts to rise
Not willing to pay success' ultimate prize.
The end is sure, and won't be a surprise.

Light they say is at the end of the tunnel,
But evil lurk it's eyes peeping through a funnel,
Having it's neck elongated like a camel
In the quest to see good ahead and channel
It through a different route, to leave me discouraged.
But, I will not fear what evil I envisage,
Cause in God I am confidently encouraged
That my journey will put me in limelight upstage.


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My journey though simple seems dreary,
Cause I imagined my future a bit scary.
It's only an imagination, hence,
I took a daring Look at evil in the eye and say; you don't scare me.
I will fear no evil, I'd rather stand strong.
Even when I tread in a path that is wrong,
I will reroute my steps, no matter how long
Until I reach my limelight, where I belong.

And so I say to you evil shenanigans;
I will not fear you, or your accomplices;
Poverty won't put me on its debt roll,
Neither will sickness on its bed poll.
I will walk through the dark tunnel,
Until I reach that bright light that repels
The gross darkness that harbours the evil
That scared and made me to shrivel.