My dear village is my poor village ( Desaku sayang desaku malang )

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


Life in the village is beautiful, comfortable and far from motor vehicles, farmers as a daily livelihood.

Now it is in pity with life in agriculture, the fertile soil has dried up, the farmers began to complain due to not falling rain. Rice plant starts to dry and the soil is bright.

Kehidupan di desa memang indah,nyaman dan jauh dari bisingan kendaraan bermotor,petani sebagai mata pencaharian sehari-hari.

Sekarang sangat lah di sayangkan dengan kehidupan di bidang pertanian,tanah yang subur sudah kering,para petani mulai mengeluh akibat tidak turunnya hujan.tanaman padi mulai kering dan tanah sudah cerah.


Where we complain when officials have no solution. Just resigned to expect grace from God Almighty.

Broad rice belonging to rural communities. Livelihood as village farmers.

Kemana kami mengadu bila pejabat tidak ada solusinya.hanya pasrah mengharapkan anugerah dari Tuhan yang maha kuasa.

Padi yang luas milik masyarakat perdesaan.mata pencaharian sebagai petani desa.



hopefully there are benefits, and the grace and guidance of the god Almighty. greetings from @amre to all friends.


Awesome photos!! Your village may be poor but its still happy @amre. I'm also a photographer, if you are interested than check out my work and give me your opinion!

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