Heavy Equipment / Alat Berat (ENG - ING)
How are You Steemian's
Some types of heavy equipment and its functions.
Mesin Pemadat
This vibratory Roller is the heavy equipment used for compaction by using vibrator. This machine is also used for road works and other jobs that require maximum compaction.
Motor Greder Tipe Caterpillar 12G
Motor Grader is a type of heavy equipment used for leveling, this tool is used to flatten the road and field airport on big-scale projects. Motor Grader of this type has a dimensional length of 8.3 m, between tyres width of 2.4 m and height to cab upper part of 3.3 m with a total maximum operating weight 14.3 tons current and 12.7 tons in overall standard operating weight.
Dalam pekerjaan pembangunan jalan saya lihat di foto - foto yang @amri posting, untuk resiko terjadinya kecelakaan kerja sangatlah minim atau bisa dikatakan jarang terjadi. Tapi yang terpenting, setiap ada perkejaan, masalah K3 (Kesehatan Keselamatan Kerja) tetap harus yang paling utama untuk di perhatikan. Good job @amri.
Thank's u @firman, untuk masalah K3, dalam pekerjaan konstruksi itu sangatlah penting kawan.