Does God Exist? Kind of

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

I Am An Atheist

I am, and will likely always be, an atheist. I simply don't have "the stuff" to believe in what we broadly refer to as "religious ideologies." And yet as I age, as I gain wisdom, and as science continues its inexorable push forward, I seem to come across more phenomena which would most accurately be described as "God."

Of course this is not the God of our ancestors. But since when have we believed anything just like even our own parents? As always our ancestors were using imperfect knowledge and imperfect language in a pathetic attempt to explain the inexplicable just as we do.

Fact: There is an unseen Power

But there are still unquestionably forces at work that we are incapable of perceiving. Science is telling us louder and louder that reality is an illusion. That our sensory organs, like all organs evolved to maximize fitness. To ensure the reproduction of genetic and biological information.

They did not evolve to perceive reality accurately. This would require some kind of divine intent and so to believe this is to possess the most antiquated of religious beliefs. Most scientifically-minded people will not dispute these claims. Yet if you tell these same people that there is a conscious god they will scoff at you. They will accuse you of a level of ignorance that borders on the criminal. But tell them that consciousness does not exist, that consciousness is an illusion, the mere byproduct of an infinitely numerous and complex network of unconscious actions, and they are perfectly willing to entertain the notion. As well they should be, for neuroscience is now telling us that the majority of our mental activity occurs before we are aware of its consequences, and that it is those consequences of unconscious activity which we refer to as "conscious thought."

They are a side effect of these unseen forces which move us in very consistent ways. But if consciousness is an illusion, if it does not really exist, but unseen forces do exist, then to dismiss them as "un-God-like" based on the claim that they are unconsciousness is to accept an irrational premise: that consciousness is even possible. In other words, to insist that these unseen forces not be referred to as "God" solely because they are not conscious is itself to engage in a religious belief.

These forces of which I speak move the universe as a whole toward chaos, but they also move pockets of the universe, like the Milky Way galaxy, in the direction of stability, and have done so since literally the beginning of time. They moved a diffuse cloud of particles to form our galaxy, and then our solar system, and then our planet.

And because these forces never cease, they moved matter on Earth to become life on earth, life on Earth to become primate life, and moved primate life on a path of ever increasing cranial growth until one day these forces birthed a new species we refer to as "human" each member of which was designed to experience the universe in a manner at least one population would express as "consciousness."

In other words, these invisible forces are consciousness. We are the unseen forces and these unseen forces are indistinguishable from God precisely because we are currently incapable of understanding them at all. But that doesn't mean they don't exist or that they don't influence our reality infinitely more than those forces which we are capable of "perceiving."


I am all in for invisible forces bro.

I'm also an Atheist but its hard to discuss these things with people who have religion culturally impregnated in their brains. These people are usually 100% closed minded and not open to the rest of the ways other people.

On that note.. i will expand my consciousness now


I can't say i am an atheist , but i can't agree with what religion has become nowadays. How ever i do believe there is an unseen force playing...doesnt matter what you call it...God , Buddha etc , same one for me...

You have my upvote, but to clarify, the author and first poster are describing agnosticism but referring to it as atheism. It is a very common error due to the nuance of definitions. Atheism implies certainty in the non-existence of God, a​gnosticism is an uncertainty due to lack of strong information.

plural noun: agnostics
a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
synonyms: skeptic, doubter, doubting Thomas, cynic; More

Thank you for the info...atheism as far as i know is believing in your own forces , believing that you can do anything without the help of any unseen forces. Or that's how one of my friends described it. I found it pretty accurate.

Here's the definition of atheist according to the first google result: a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. This describes me perfectly, therefore I was not mistaken. However, the post is essentially about the imprecision of words, so kind of ironic that you're fixating on definitions :)

Atheism is, in the broadest sense, the absence of belief in the existence of deities.[1][2][3][4] Less broadly, atheism is the rejection of belief that any deities exist.[5][6] In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.[1][2][7]

As you can see Atheism is the belief that no such Deity exists. Theism Is the belief that such a Diety does exist. Agnosticism is to not have the evidence to believe either with certainty.

Thanks for sharing this with us @andrarchy!

Your post title immediately caught my attention, and to be completely honest, I'm not exactly sure anymore on which side of the fence I'm on when it comes to believing in a higher power.

I do believe that there are unseen forces, but are those forces that we are incapable of understanding, God? We might never find out, and maybe we are not meant to find out.

Thanks again for sharing this!

There never needs to be a human construct of religion between you and the creative force. And our very existence stands as testament that there are at least some creative and destructive forces in the universe. The life all around us is as a result of that force, whether it was intended or not.

wow, excellent post @andrarchy.

I felt such a Rick and Morty feeling when I was reading through it. Its kinda crazy considering how fast technology is accelerating and when and what the humans next evolution will be. I'm guessing augmentation will be involved and be as normal as tattoos are nowadays.

What if the whole goal is for us to create another tiny universe that we can spectate and see if other intelligent species form in their world. What if that has already happened and if we at one point would direct a giant telescope into a random part of the universe at some point and notice a huge eye staring back at you.

Damn, I don't know what's scarier really, all other intelligent life forms there may be in our universe and how far evolved they are, or maybe being the only intelligent life to make it miraculously this far and then being stuck on a world that's filled with greed burning it down and knowing that's all there is.

Didn't mean to get too philosophical.

No worries, Rick and Morty is pretty much my favorite show ever :)

I hate that science and religion have to exist separately. Science is, or should be, a search for answers. More and more it is a search for answers that fit within what we expected to find. I love science and it has at different points strengthened my belief in a God. I don't care much for religion though, some of those guys are crazy!

When I was in the third grade I was issued a math textbook by accident that had all the answers to the homework problems in the back of the book.

Was I closed minded because I looked in the back of the book to find out what the correct answers were to my homework?

Christians have such answers that were revealed by God over thousands of years. So we already know the answers.

Is that closed minded?

Or is closed mindedness refusing to look in the answer book?

@stan , I love your comments on these subjects. Just read a few of your posts and followed you.
The world is God's Matrix - @stan Steemit 2016
I love that statement because it is so true!

Hi @andrarchy , I believe that we all have the right ot out own opinion, and in some cases it is more difficult for people to believe in God, just like in your case. I have a few friends which are not Athiests, but achnostic. I am a outspoken Christian and want each and every person on earth to go to heaven. I cannot force anybody to believe , but I always try different ways to have open discussions, without forcing my believe on them. What I have tried to do up to now, is to get people one step closer in believing that a higher power or force has created everything that we see today. Please read my post about The Teleological Theory , which in my mind makes it very difficult Not to Believe that a Higher power, in my case God , has created everything. I would love to here your comments.

That's it. And if you accept the idea that everything was created by God, the next thing you will need to accept that everything belongs to God. That is, we come to the idea that we are tenants, but not owners. The next step is also very logical. If all that we see has the owner, so we have to respect him and listen to his will. And not everyone likes this idea.

Because we think that we know better how to be happy. And all these "laws of God" only hinder our happiness. But at some point, when one is disappointed in how he's trying to enjoy life, he turns to the idea of God and the idea of revival his relationships with God.

Do you remember how in "Home Alone" Kevin behaves after the parents leave? He pounces on the fridge, creates chaos and shouts: "So what will you do to me?" This freedom intoxicates him. However, at some point he gets tired of this "freedom" and wants to see his parents.

I will say again that this is only my vision of the world. Each person has his own experience, his own lifestory. However, it seems to me, these arguments also have the right to be heard.

Very well said @omfedor .
So have you convinced your family yet on your next holiday destination?

:) I'm working on it!

God is the intelligent designer and the creator of all logic and understanding. Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are apart of the Godhead. I believe this.
However, I do respect your different point of view.

Which part disagrees with your claims?

Interesting article Andrew. There's always a lot of tricky ideas that are difficult to adequately articulate via the non-verbal word, somehow.

I'm a Christian. I had a very powerful encounter with the Spirit of God when I was 18, and have had several powerful & interesting encounters since, sometimes on a daily basis.

I fully acknowledge that these experiences don't prove anything to the outsider, as they're very subjective and also very unique for different people.

I've been interested in Cosmology & theoretical particle Physics since I was 14, and believe that science provides us with an incredibly powerful set of tools to create & articulate ideas, things, innovations and much more.

I also believe that modern evolution is our best idea about how biological life fits together and operates.

I recently met a research biologist who is discovering new insights on Alzheimer's as part of his post-doctoral work. Interestingly, he became a Christian whilst studying evolution at a deeper level.

Here's my take on science and faith: Science provides us with our best language to describe, study and create ideas and things. That's It's domain of authority - it's amazing at giving us the power to figure out how. It's empirical nature makes it (mostly!) testable, and gives us the power to change the physical realm.

I see Science as the ultimate fulfillment of the command to have dominion over the Earth, with all the weight of responsibility that that carries.

Faith, for me, isn't so much an idea; it's more of a direct connection, a relationship with Love personified. I know there's many, many questions associated with this - the biggest of which for me remains the issue of human suffering (& why does a loving God allow this). It's easy to come up with trite answers which sound logical - but the pain of human suffering is still a paradox.

I could go on, but this is already turning into too long a comment. Yes, I am a disciple of Christ, but I've also studied Physics up to graduate level, and enjoy the amazing simplicity & yet complexity of this incredible and precious universe we live in.

None of this is meant to try and convince anyone - I hope it's more just a mind-opener for (hopefully friendly!) on-going discussion between people who have very different ideas from one another.

Just could not pass up this interesting topic. I was an atheist. Because those arguments, which had representatives of modern religious movements were completely illogical. However, at some point I heard very strong arguments that explained to me who God is.

Let's just refer to common sense. Whether current reality is harmonious and reasonable? Obviously, Yes. Nature, which we can observe is full of harmony and beauty. Beauty is always harmonious. Inharmonious always ugly. So nature, which gives us the feeling of admiration is the embodiment of harmony.

But if we saw that something harmonious was born out of chaos without the involvement of a living person? Do we have such an experience?

Here is a plane flying in the sky. The plane is extremely difficult-engineered machine. Could the plane arise by itself, without the participation of intelligent living person? Do such things happen?

Then why do we claim that there is no living person who created nature and the world in general? Just because we do not see this person? Is it a strong argument? How many people have directly seen the President of the United States? But we have seen him through TV or through the Internet. Similarly, about the personality of Godhead, we are told the Holy Scriptures, which are like the newspapers, television or the Internet. It is not a direct perception. But we don't see the President directly as well. So where is our common sense? Where is the logic? Why do we believe in the existence of the President of the United States, which we personally could not see, but do not believe in the existence of the personality of God? It is illogical?

Everything that is beautiful, harmonious and useful was created by some person. Right? So, if we are logically consistent, we must assume that the solar system, planets, nature was created by some person. It is just a logic. And can science to be illogical? No, science is always based on logical reasoning.

Our senses are very limited. A little more light and we do not see anything. A little less light - and again we see nothing. But nature is designed so perfectly that light as much as is necessary for comfortable vision. Isn't that proof that this system was designed by someone, who is very advanced? Some great engineer created all of this. So why not try to find this super-engineer? After all, if he exists (and where the arguments against his existence?) we can get huge benefits if we make friends with him, right? Isn't that a rational argument?

I have no desire to convince anyone, but I just want to share some logic that exists. I acknowledge the sacred right of everyone to his own way and his worldview, and in any case do not want to offend anyone. Hope for your understanding ;)

P.S. As for invisible forces. Maybe for some people they are visible. Why listen to the so-called scientists, for which these forces are invisible and incomprehensible? Maybe there are those who sees them and understands? Maybe we should listen to them? :)

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