Vulnerability Map 2019: Feeling the Risk of Alignment - Strengthening People's Sovereignty
The Sovereign Electoral Alliance held a media discussion with the theme Vulnerability Map 2019: Feeling the Risk of Alignment - Strengthening People's Sovereignty, on Sunday, July 29, 2018 at the Office of the Constitution and Democracy (KoDe) Initiative. The Sovereign Electoral Alliance consists of ICW, IPC, JPPR, KoDe Initiative, Perludem, Puskapol UI, and SPD.
Suggestion of the Sovereign Electoral Alliance to the Election Organizer:
- The Sovereign Electoral Alliance encourages the Implementers of the elections to immediately (expedited in the shortest possible manner) releases and provides voters with electoral education on the Map of Insecurity in the First General Election of 2019.
- The Sovereign Electoral Alliance encourages election organizers - KPU, Bawaslu, DKPP - to take strategic steps to address potential problems that will arise in the implementation of the 2019 election.
- The Sovereign Electoral Alliance requires the KPU and Bawaslu to prepare a system of openness to the election results quickly and accurately through the system and structure of election organizers to facilitate the control and participation of the electorate.
- The Sovereign Electoral Alliance encourages political parties and candidates for President & Vice President to fulfill the right of voters from all sides of the elections.
KPU is the General Election Commission in Indonesia
Bawaslu is the Election Supervisory Board
DKPP is the Honorary Council of the General Election Organizer
The Sovereign Electoral Alliance also reminded the election participants to produce a programmatic debate that could solve the problems of the nation and the burden of contemporary society. Election participants should not be boisterous about short-term pragmarism of power.
The Sovereign Electoral Alliance invites voters to start participating from now on. Voters should be able to demand election improvement measures by election participants or contestants.
Vatican Alliance of Sovereign Electors:
Institutions | Representative | No. HP |
ICW | Almas | 081259014045 |
IPC | Hanafi | 08119952737 |
JPPR | Alwan | 081316702993 |
KoDe Initiative | Adellina | 082391405893 |
Perludem | Fadli | 085272079894 |
SPD | Erik | 081932930908 |
Puskapol UI | Delia | 081221645621 |
Indonesia Corruption Watch
Indonesian Parliamentary Center
Jaringan Pendidikan Pemilih untuk Rakyat
*KoDe Inisiatif
Perkumpulan Untuk Denokrasi
Puskapol UI
Sindikasi Pemilu dan Demokrasi
Cikini, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat
July 30, 2018
Member of KSI Chapter Jakarta