It was a very difficult climate for the people of Israel and especially for their army. They were about to face the Philistines who had in their ranks one of the most feared warriors of that time, a giant named Goliath.
David's brothers belonged to that army that was about to battle against the Philistines, David's father asked him to bring food to his brothers and on the way to find out if they were okay.
David arrives at the camp where the two armies were ready for battle and at that moment a giant appears among the ranks of the Philistines who frightened anyone called Goliath who challenged the entire Israeli army that the only reaction they had It was a fear: "When they saw Goliath, they were very afraid and fled. But David asked those who were near him: -Who believes this foreigner, who dares to challenge the armies of God? ... 1 Samuel 17: 24-26 (Translation in current language).
David was angry to hear the challenge of that giant and does not evaluate a victory based on strength, size or battle capacity but rather summed it up in God's support of his life.
They take a David willing to confront the giant who challenged them before King Saul and David belittles David for his youth and inexperience, but David answers him in the following way: "But Saul said to him:" You will not be able to kill him. You are still very young, and he has been a warrior all his life. David replied: "I am a shepherd of my father's sheep. But if a lion or a bear comes to take some sheep, I chase them, I wound them and I snatch the sheep from the snout. And if the lion or the bear is on me, I hit them and killed them. And that same thing I will do with this Philistine, because he has challenged the armies of the living God. If God has freed me from the clutches of lions and bears, he will also deliver me from this Philistine. Then Saul said to David, "Go, then, and may God be with you." 1 Samuel 17: 33-37 (Translation in current language).
It strikes me a lot that David's confidence was not in his capacity, size, strength, intelligence or ability for war but rather he was placing his total trust in God.
How do we measure our ability to defeat the giants that are presented to us in life? Do we measure it based on our capacity, our resources, our abilities, our intelligence or on the basis of what?
Sometimes when we see giants appear in our life we meditate that they will be impossible to defeat, however we forget that all ability that we can have comes from God, that He is the author of everything and that we are only instruments that He can use to glorify his first name.
David understood this very well, and that's why he stood in front of that giant without any armor, because the typical armor used by soldiers at that time was very heavy and he could not use it, the fact of not wearing armor leads me to think that David did not doubt for a second of the victory that God would give him.
What David was doing was taking steps of faith, every step he took towards that giant warrior was a step of faith and trust in God, David did not doubt what would happen. The giant seeing him made fun of young David, as many of us tend to do when he sees young people who want to make a difference, that giant told him: "Goliath also approached David, although his assistant was always in front of him. When he saw that David was nothing more than a dark-skinned boy, he considered him very little and cursed him in the name of his gods. He said: - Go with the beautiful child! You come to fight with me with a stick, as if I were a dog. Come here, I will kill you, and with your flesh I will feed the vultures and the wild beasts. "1 Samuel 17: 41-44 (Translation in current language).
The intimidating words of Goliath would only strengthen the faith of David who replied: "But David answered him:" And you come to fight with me with sword and arrows and spear! For I come in the name of the Almighty God, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have dared to challenge. Today God will help me to defeat you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. Today I will feed the vultures and the wild beasts with the corpses of the Philistine soldiers. And everyone will know how great the God of Israel is! "All who are here will realize that it is God who gives victory in battles. God will give us the victory over you, and you will know that to succeed, God does not need swords or arrows! "1 Samuel 17: 45-47 (Translation in current language).
David's speech was full of faith, they were words full of confidence in God and in what He was able to do throughout his life. If we examine every phrase that He said, everything has to do with what God would do and not with what David was capable of doing for his good abilities.
Then they gave way to that battle, on the one hand a warrior with experience and with a size out of the ordinary, against a young man that the only thing that had on his part was the faith in his God that would not leave him, and then what happened It would remain for the story: "When the Philistine came to attack him, David also ran to him and, taking a stone from his bag, shot his sling and hit the Philistine in the face. The stone stuck in his forehead, and the Philistine fell face down on the ground. Immediately David ran and stood on Goliath, took his sword and, with a single blow, cut off his head. Thus it was that, without having a sword, David defeated the Philistine. He killed him with only a sling and a stone. When the Philistines saw their powerful warrior dead, they ran away. "1 Samuel 17: 48-51 (Translation in current language).
The story of David and Goliath has been passed on from generation to generation, but beyond a story of courage I could label it as a story of faith, because it takes faith to believe that God can do wonderful things in your life when the whole picture it seems contrary.
David did not measure his victory in human ability, courage, strength, dexterity or intelligence, all that he did on the side and pulled out his best weapon: FAITH. That weapon that can help us to conquer the unconquerable, to defeat the "inderrotable", or to make a mountain move from one side to another.
Stop thinking how humanly you can get ahead, because there are giants that can not be defeated with human abilities, only with faith in what God is capable of doing in your life and with you. It is time to deposit our FAITH only in God and not in the good that we can be for something.
When we put our faith in God and do it with all our heart and with all our mind there is no doubt that God will do something wonderful, because God always honors the faith of those who believe him.