You Can't Control Everything. Live A Little
Are you someone who always tries to be perfect in all matters? Or you try to be successful in everything?
We know, hard work is a good thing. But that is different from forcing things and being too hard on yourself.
I remembered the words of the best-seller author, Paulo Coelho. "The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon."
The purpose of that is to live a happy life, we must continue to enjoy the things around us while continuing to focus on the things we are doing and we want to achieve. So that means we should not forget to enjoy life when we are working hard to realize our dreams.
I use the illustration of a photo with my eyes closed because it reflects that we must pause to worry about everything. We must calm down, and live for a while.
I was in a time when I even forgot I felt breathing. I once forgot that I was living in a world offering a variety of happiness. That's because I was so worried about everything.
Being anxious will bring fear. So it is also very dangerous for our career journey.
Do Worship or Meditation
That is why doing worship practices such as prayer, or doing meditation is the most important thing in life. Conditions in calmness will help us to refocus and get rid of our worries.
The concept of worship is almost the same as meditation, which is to be in a calm situation. We must also believe God and the universe has prepared the best for us.
So, live a little. Realize that life still has many simple things to enjoy as part of happiness and gratitude.
Make peace with the past, move forward, and don't forget to always take time into yourself, into your family, into the surroundings you live in, into your partner's life or your friends, and create laughter.