Motivational comments on the mirrors ..... they want women to be happy or
I saw this message on the first mirror as I walked into the Ladies at the Kawana Shopping Centre and my interest was immediately piqued. Then I saw two more! I wondered why? Has there been a problem with upset and crying women visiting the Ladies? Or did a management bright spark decide do this to encourage to buy? Either way, I was amused and entertained.
Something is happening to me ...... I am buying those diamond earrings, I deserve them, I'll wear them all the time, I'll feel good. I"ve got this and I can. Maybe, I 'll get that perfume too.
Happiness guys.
ha! howdy angiemitchell! yes it looks a little suspicious to me, there has to be psychology involved in increasing sales! lol.
Haha, I don't need encouragement to buy, lol.