Showcase April - Thoughts from a bed | These Fucking prices, man

in #showcaseapril4 years ago
It's 1 pm and I'm waking up. Yeah, I've always had a fucked up sleep pattern. Well, not always, it all started back when I was like 5 years old and my mom used to wake me up very early before school and I would have breakfast before 7 am, every day. My body got used to it, what else is going to do? We are these killing machines who learn fast as hell and adapt to anything in a matter of days.

That's why they say - I'm not entirely sure of the veracity of the statement - that you should give yourself cheat days or cheat meals when you're dieting, otherwise your body will adapt to the diet and it won't be as effective as you wish the diet to be.

The point is, since I was very little I woke up very early and have a proper mexican breakfast - this means a very substancial, high protein and carb breakfast - before 7 am. I went on to high school and college and I continued this trend by myself, a big healthy and full of energy breakfast before other people was even awake.

When I was in corporate, some people looked weirdly at me because - or so they say - breakfast is just about a couple of toast bread slices and some coffee, and never before 9 am. Geez, how can you eat all of that before 9 am when they saw me having breakfast at 7:30 am in the office's restaurant.

But, this, all of this mini-anechdotical-intro is to go into the fucked up sleeping pattern.

Since I'm a kid, my body got used to be awake and ready insanely early, and since I played football on Saturdays mornings since I have a working memory and on Sundays my dad used to love going out as a family, I pretty much never got the chance of being lazy. This means that in High School, when the parties and drinking and all that young people stuff began, it didn't matter at what time I went to bed, I would always wake up around 6 am on a Saturday or Sunday.

Even on my post-college days. There was no way for me to being able to stay asleep after 7 am on a weekend. I used to call it The crazy man curse.

But my body wasn't catching up with my habits. I mean, your brain can say wake up at 6-7 am no matter the day, no matter what you did the night before but the body will just reply Oh yeah, shithead, let's do it your way, but we're napping in a few hours. And so it began, the countless naps at random times during the weekends and the naps right after work during the week. Add to that my fucked up blood levels - the ones I write about on my Actifit updates - that have been acting crazy since I'm like 16, and you have a crazy man curse 2.0.

Then Steem came, and then I got a crazy delegation and I was constantly keeping my VP between 94% and 98% to maximize rewards. I was also busy with plenty of Steem stuff - same as today - and I used to get messages I couldn't ignore at crazy hours due to the time zone differences between me and other people I had to speak to. My life became a constant napping in between important stuff to do and never having a real sleeping time. Add to that that I was traveling and well, now you get it.

I'm currently on a traveling hiatus and I'm trying to get at least 6 hours of continuous, good sleep and currently I'm able to achieve that, the problem is, I am doing it from 6 am to 12 pm.

And just like everyone else who is a bit into crypto, I wake up and the first thing I do is check the markets.

These fucking prices, man.


I mean, I would think like that if I was a short term Steemian. I would be worried about it if I was planning on cashing out any time soon - other than my usual mini-cash-out to like, not die of starvation. I would be terrified if I had invested money I can not lose and I needed liquid in a few weeks to pay my mortgage or something.

But that's the thing, and that's why people who are always complaining about short term gains and how bad crypto in general and especially Steem are performing. The edge is real, especially in the Telegram Steem group where all they do is whine and complain about short term performance.

I'm sorry, but if you are in for the short term, buy lottery tickets. Steem, and crypto in general as a concept, while it may bring big returns in relatively short time spans, is about long term thinking and long term adoption. If you're looking at crypto as a buy in the dip and then sell at ATH for FIAT then I'd say good for you for maximizing your profits, these people risk a lot and deserve a big return. But if you buy, hodl and then think that in 6 months you'll be rich, you're going in on Steem and crypto with the wrong mentality.

I don't care how much Steem is right now. I know in a few years all of my investments - time, money and effort wise - will pay off big time. If you are complaining about the Steem price now, if I were you I would seriously question myself why am I into Steem and crypto if I don't see it as a long term kind of deal.

These fucking prices, man. I wish I was able to buy the dip, I wish I had more Fiat to buy Steem with a long term mentality.

These fucking prices, man.

This post was originally posted in July 2019 and it's part of my initiative called showcase April, where I'll post the best content I've done over the past three years.


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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 65792.18
ETH 2695.80
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.90