
The answer to thus question is not farfetched.

There are a lot more things that count as fun that spending time glancing through pages off books most of which don't have pictures.

The times have changed and with modern technology, the habit of reading is fastly decaying.

It's more fun to follow up people's activities on social media, take photos and have friends like them and go out and catch fun than read.

The truth is our values are no longer being upheld. Parents don't take time together imbibe a reading culture in their children. They foster, rather than remove distractions from the education of their kids.

In my country, students don't even want to go to school any longer. They prefer doing scams and sport betting. They'd do anything but read.

There are a few though who still read. You'd be commiting a fallacy to generalize like that. What's better is to say a larger percentage don't like reading.

Parents have to put a restriction to their kids online time and help them gain motivation, help them see the good sides to developing a reading culture.

Every reader is a leader. Better let them know now or they'd hate you in future for not letting them them know.

I think this a bit of a generalization. I teach basic English to students here in Thailand, many of which are teenagers. I think the main problem is that most teenagers don't know about the joy that can be found by reading books, mostly because they've been forced to read rather boring prescribed books at school. Once you show them that there are books written that align with their interests, that all changes. I've had kids get so excited about reading a book, that they finished reading it by themselves and asked me if I could find them some more. So with a bit of help and proper curating, teenagers today can still enjoy reading. I'd say it's up to the parents (as they know their kids well) to help their kids find interesting books for them to read. Once that seed is planted, it will certainly grow.

The reason for this lies with the fact that 21st century teenagers have more sources of information and entertainment, aside from books. From their TVs, to their laptops, to their tablets and smartphones, it is easier for them to get information from these sources than good old books. 

And because these sources can also be more interactive and fun, they no longer have a reason to read. They can simply watch a documentary, read a condensed summary, or even watch an "educational movie" as easier alternatives to reading.  

Unlike teenagers who went through their younger years without 24/7 cable TV, streaming, smartphones, and the Internet, books were their only source of information. So, it only makes sense that they would treasure books more than today's teenagers. Looking at it from this perspective, it is easier to understand why teenagers no longer like to read books. 

i think the society and media also haa a role to play in all this,let me give you an example,an entertainment show will be organized and will pay some people millions of dollars for winning the entertainment show,while a student is the best student in an institution and he or she only receives handshake and ovation from people around there,things like this could discourage more students from reading because many of them feel they would not benefit so much from education and that is why some of them want to go into entertainment and abandon education because they feel entertainment offers more benefits,so i believe the media,schools also need to work more to make reading of books attractive to students..

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