in #qou6 years ago

It trends about the case of Chief Justice Sereno, the attorney's who are complaining about Sereno, they filed a case against her. They filed complain about impeachment. The people including this are Justice of Supreme court, Ombudsman, the President, and deputy. Sereno has a lot of violation against contrary in a constitution, supposedly as government officials will meet the laws and qualifications. Chief Justice Sereno will always in favored to Pinoy, before. There are 15 in the Supreme court, the justices, sample there is a case before that other Justices are not in favor to Pinoy when Sereno is favored since she is the Chief of Justice so of course, it will in favored to Pinoy, that's what had happened before, like on Hacienda Luisita. The justices are filing a case against Sereno which they claimed that she is a corrupt official.

But then in the constitution, you will be impeached as long as you have a high crime done. What had happened to Sereno, was filed a lot of articles so that she will impeach. Then they said that Sereno is not filing a SALN. Then they forwarded to Senate and then the Senate will decide, but then the Supreme court was the one who decides. It should be in the Senate. Then they said that the Supreme was the one who decided, question, it is proper that they will be the one to decide? When in fact the Senate must be the one to decide and in the constitution, Impeachable officials can be removed, not maybe remove. That's why they said the Supreme court Exceed supposedly the impeachment should be a Legislative function but how come that it was in Supreme Court? So, they encroach on the Legislative branch, in short, they violated the constitution, but then they said it was proper. So what is QUO WARRANTO? It is used by certain officials who sit without the qualifications or without necessary qualifications, meaning he/she is not fit for the position. So, Sereno is appointed official before. In the first place, Sereno is not on the list to be qualified, and they shocked why her name was there, they keep on searching and then Pinoy said he wants that Sereno will be a Chief Justice even Sereno is not qualified to the said position since it was Pinoy who is the President that time, the Justices has nothing to do. They keep searching if Sereno is qualified but after all Sereno is not qualified to the said position. They checked all the credentials including the school and they found out that Sereno is not really qualified because even experience to be a judge is nothing.

That's why the Justices questioning her qualifications and also because she's not submitting a SALN. Sereno was really involved in private practices. That is why the Justices questioned her integrity about what kind of Chief Justice she is if she twisted or violate the law. That's why they said that they don't need to wait for an impeachment since impeachment is a long long process. Also, so expensive and how many days then not assure to impeach. That's why the Justices said they will stand and will decide to their own that's why they filed quo warranto, that's the reason why Sereno was impeached to her position.

So, for me, It is okay that Sereno will impeach and I am in favor of Quo warranto which the Justices decided, in order that Sereno will impeach because in the first place Sereno is not qualified. As a Filipino citizen, I am in favor to the Justices to be filed as Quo Warranto for Sereno.

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