A thousand thanks and blessings to ProjectHope

in Project HOPE4 years ago

In the last few days I have been away from the platforms, it has been for health reasons, I was affected by the Covid-19 as well as my family, a situation that is not my habit to write in negative but it is quite hard to face. However, now almost completely recovered, I want to take this opportunity to send all my thanks to the Project Hope community who immediately offered me not only the help they could, but also supported me with words of encouragement, positivism and good wishes.


I have three years in the blogging platforms, never before had I felt so close to a group of people that I have never seen and others that I barely know. A thousand thanks and blessings to the team that supported my difficult moment, it is a community where the achievements are not only monetary, it goes far beyond that I could feel the friendship, loyalty, as compasses for the process I was going through and that despite being people from different nations, of different beliefs, races and customs I felt close and that I will never forget.


I feel committed today more than ever to continue doing original, intelligent and well thought out work, thank you all for your messages, your words, your prayers or simply for that get well soon that sometimes is important to hear.

How good it is to know that the digital connection is useful, that it has a soul, that it has a spirit, that it has faces, thank you and let's continue the work. It is very common to feel that these works only generate money, and in part it is so, but there are others where money is generated and also interest in the human being who is behind the computer writing, their afflictions or joys, their problems, these makes the work more complete as human beings with feelings that we write and we are participants of these communities.


Hello friend, I'm glad you are already recovered, you are right to point out that project.hope is much more than a simple community to share content, here there is a lot of solidarity. See you later, I hope you are still doing well.

Hello @aplausos .

Thank God that you are well and in good health, how good that we can count on a community that supports us and that is like our family, like you I also feel the same affinity with this great community.

Greetings and thank you

Hi @aplausos
Good to hear that you are doing much better. And that you are back to posting around here we continue to support you as much as possible.
See you again. Take care of yourself.

It is good to know that you are feeling a lot better now. Project Hope has indeed been a blessing to many and for this and more, we're grateful.

Cheers buddy

I'm glad that you are getting better. Project Hope is more than just a community. it is a family.

Hi @menoski Thank you from the bottom of my heart

It's good having awesome people like you around!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

Is good to hear that you and your family came through this illness. No one is safe until we can develop a natural defense against this virus, it'll come in time, but in the meantime we need to be cautious and have faith that everything's going to be fine.

We shall overcome, with faith and hope.


Wow! So glad to see that you're recovering. We can't wait to have you back to full recovery and doing great things again. Greetings to your own family, and permit me to say congratulations already for overcoming this.

A thousand thanks with all my soul's truth

@aplausos, Excellent news that you are recovering, take good care of yourself, now more, I am also in that post Covid recovery process to strengthen the immune system, receive a hug from me. From today I include you in my prayers. Much courage, try to laugh a lot and be patient that each body is different and we must first know how we are walking to have a full recovery.

A thousand thanks with all my soul's truth

project hope is indeed the community to be at and i am glad that they stood with you in your darkest hour. keep being original and project hope will keep being with you. also glad to hear that you are almost free from the deadly virus

Thank you project hope we are all united without seeing each other but with the same purpose, a great support senti a thousand thanks to everyone

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