Flowers and snow

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month

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Greetings, my friends.
Winter continues. For the fourth day, snow has been falling from the sky with varying intensity. But today, the good news is that the air temperature is still above 0, although it is not enough for all the snow that fell yesterday to melt. Yesterday I was going to do a little photoshoot in the style of "flowers and snow", but something went wrong. I did it today.

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In fact, the flowers did not have time to gain strength and bloom before the snow fell. It's probably a good thing. This is such an unusual spring this year.
I must also say that the mice ate a lot of tulip bulbs. This year, due to the warm winter, a lot of mouse holes were found. I also found that the mice ate the bark of 2 young apple trees. There were even 2 apples on one apple tree last year. It's very sad.

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A bed of winter garlic. We plant it around the middle of October and in the spring it starts to grow early, gaining strength. This snow does not harm it at all but even helps it grow when the snow melts and gives life-giving moisture to sandy soil.

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Mother Nature told us this year to have a rest! On May 1, there were 3 days off. On May 9th, we rest for 4 days. Usually, these days are devoted to gardening, but this year everything is different.


I wish all of you good luck!

I will be glad to have your attention to my posts again.



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Да уж, присыпало снегом вас по-настоящему, по-зимнему((
У нас морозы были и снежок падал, но вот не ложился, просто словно пугал.

уф... ушел сегодня после обеда. Ну хоть земля освободилась, а то с неба таки еще падает периодически.

 last month 

Обычно эти дни посвящены садоводству, но в этом году все по-другому.

Эт точно)
Поехли на дачу с благими намерениями и сидели полдня у камина с чаем...дубак.

ахахах. :) а я на расслабоне был 4 дня... сегодня вышел поработать во двор и снег снова повалил. Жена говорит - пошли домой :)

 last month 

мудрая женщина))


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