Sonic Geometry..?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago

Okay so.. I don't post documentaries that often on my page even though I watch a decent amount cause I realize they take a bit of time to watch usually and I don't wanna suggest them unless I think they are really good!
And last night I found one that touched on some of the weird stuff I've been researching! So.. I felt like this was definitely worth a share.
It's called Sonic Geometry. There's two parts, but I'm just going to link the second and if you like it you can find the first.

One thing I learned is that a major reason why we see the 6's popping up so much is because the Sumerians who alledgely invented math, had a 6/60 based math system.
So. Perhaps I need to try to learn anything more I can about the Sumerian math system and how it came to be.
The movie made an interesting point.. Why did they pick 6? When other numbers would seemingly work just as well.. Like whether it's a base 6 or a base 4 5 or 7 8.. It seems like it should for the most part even out in the long run.
And, if there is a better one than the base 6, why haven't we switched over and adopted it now by modern times?
Why was 6 really picked? Was it just somehow better in some way? Or perhaps some other reason? Maybe even a nefarious Satanic one...?

Also.. I think the Cymatics now takes on a whole new meaning to me..
Sound creates shapes. That didn't make much sense to me before, but now that I've been getting into sacred geometry and learning how much the occult value and worship shapes.. It just makes so much more sense!
Vibration and shapes and math and symbols are basically the language of our reality.
If there is a God, or some kind of secret to all of this, it probably lies in the inherent language of the universe, sort of like a programmers programming code.
Perhaps many of these musical artists who reach high levels, have learned how to sort of create these shapes in very powerful ways.
Maybe an amazing song, has a lot more to it than just sounding great.. Maybe there's a hidden symmetry of geometry going on..

I can't help but think of someone making music on their Playstation console, or playing some music game..
And the buttons they press are a square, triangle, circle, and an X.
They are basically using symbolic shapes, to create other different sound shapes.. It's so interesting.
If life is like some kind of simulation or video game, it's almost like these shapes are some of the main building blocks so to speak.

OH! And the other thing the movie touched on that I learned about stuff I've been researching lately is..
The theory that the Ark of the Covenant was connected to geometry.
I think I had one person on steemit suggest this in the comments a while back!
And.. That makes a lot of sense.. Maybe the Ark of the Covenenant, which covenant meants "agreement" is connected to an agreement of geometry.
Or perhaps at least an agreement to keep the secrets of geometry within a select group.

This movie managed to educate me on two significant things in regards to a lot of what I've been studying! I'm impressed!
I learned some other cool stuff too, I highly suggest it, and the part one of the series as well.

As a final lil note, I wanted to say that I think it's kinda cool that I'm independantly learning a lot of this kind of weird ancient or occult stuff especially in regards to language, math, geometry and symbols, and.. Other researchers are as well, disconnected from me, around the world finding similar conclusions.
I don't find a lot of people researching these kinds of things, but when I do find someone.. There's an interesting like unspoken bond or connection there..
It feels like we're doing good work, the internet and information sharing around the world has allowed us the biggest library ever in our recorded history that anyone can access on their computer or phone or whatever.
And, many of us are trying to put together the puzzle of our history, and while some information from the authorative sources are useful...
I think many of us realize how much can be lost and how much there is to find and how corrupt things can be and how some stuff can be intentionally hidden or marginalized.

I think we really are on the verge of some kind of awakening.
It may have something to do with astrology like these people in power seem to believe in regards to a New Age of enligthenment in Aqarious.
However, either way. The internet has opened up a door to more information than we ever had before.
We are independantly all around the world putting this puzzle together, and.. It's very different from the traditional mainstream public story that's been told and changes every so often.

As more of this information is revealed and more people learn about it in an open minded fashion, I think society is going to change pretty majorly and significantly.
Though I guess it's still possible we could slide further into idiocracy as well.. I admit I don't know.
Though.. This is a really exciting time to be alive and researching some of these things, this amalgamation of information was just never available like this before to the regular person or anyone in "recorded history".
But hey who knows, maybe they had stuff like the internet before in ancient times, maybe there's a break away advanced society that has been sort of constant that keeps us mostly constantly ignorant and we live in something sorta like the Hunger Games thing..

Okay I'ma shutup now, lol. Link to the movie will be below.


What did I read, what did I read... my eyes are tuning :D Wow that would be a different kind of review about a film! Yeah, I didn't got some points of the article but that would be a brilliant work!
One more thing! I think you like to research on that topic! Sometimes you heard about COSMOS tv series! I think it might be an interesting topic for you too!


amigo #resteemia at your service

'Okay I'ma shutup now, lol. Link to the movie will be below.' i'm watching now. excellent writing @apolymask

'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'

The world is maded from words, & if you know the words you can make any thing.

that is damn true..

Pretty damm cool something very different from usual stuff :) thanks for the link by the way

First let me watch this documentary and later I will return to your post to read the review, I have bookmarked your post.

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