How to make loads of money in seconds! Or grain... or salt. Finnish Mythology: The Sampo

in #myth7 years ago (edited)

Even the ancient Finns knew how to get an easy life and make bucketfuls of gold easy. You can do it too, as long as you can create THE SAMPO!

Sammon ryöstö, Väinö Blomstedt (1897)
"Stealing the Sampo"

Seppo Ilmarinen, who was the greatest smith known, wanted a wife for himself. The Wench of the North gave Ilmarinen a task to create Sampo so he would get one of her daughters as his wife. Väinämöinen had tried to create the Sampo before him, but even Väinämöinen couldn't do the task (for Väinämöinen, check out the earlier post!). After working extremely hard, Ilmarinen managed to create the Sampo. It could create gold, salt or grain and thus bring happiness for the people.

The Forging of the Sampo, Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1893)

Instead of Väinämöinen, Seppo Ilmarinen got to marry the daughter of the Wench of the North (wow, that's a lot of the's in there). However, when they returned home, a mistreated slave killed the wife of Ilmarinen. Ilmarinen was sad, so he tried to create another wife out of gold. Sadly, it didn't work as well as he hoped it would.

Luckily Ilmarinen got an idea: to go to back North and ask for another wife from Wench of the North. Second daughter wasn't willing to come with Ilmarinen, so Ilmarinen abducted her and ran off. However, as the new wife was nagging and annoying, Ilmarinen got upset and turned her into a seagull.

Picture not related, but thanks Pixabay!

Now you are starting to wonder: is this more about the Sampo or the creator, Seppo Ilmarinen?

Sammon ryöstö, Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1905)
"Stealing the Sampo"

While Seppo Ilmarinen was having trouble with all of his wives, the Sampo brought happiness and riches to the people of the North. This made everybody else upset, so Väinämöinen, Ilmarinen and band of other heroes brought out a force to invade the North and steal back the Sampo.

Sammon puolustus, Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1896)
"Defending the Sampo"

They managed to steal the Sampo, but the Wench of the North attacked them on the way back and the Sampo was lost in the sea. The pieces of the Sampo were washed ashore and created farming. Ilmarinen was still left without a wife.

Sampo was now lost, but as it was destroyed, it brought happiness and wealth for us all instead of being used only by the few.

And no, Steemit is no easy place to make money. You'll most likely only get salt.

And I forgot to add this in the earlier post, but Väinämöinen has been identified to be the hero on which Gandalf (you know, the wizard) was based on. Check my earlier post:
Finnish mythology: the god-wizard Väinämöinen!


Seagull?! Haha

I think they're more noisy and annoying than a nagging wife. ^^

I know, not the best bird to pick :D KWAA KWAA KWAA.

I'm living pretty much next to the sea, so I have enough of seagulls.

You're welcome, Tom.

Can I get Sampo on Amazon?

Sadly, no. But you can buy a Kalevala -book!

I love how nonchalant people would change each other into various animals and rocks in history. I wish I lived in those days

I've heard something similar happens in some countries in the world. I've read about a story, in which a man was found while having sex with a goat. He then claimed, that he had hired a hooker but someone cursed the hooker and she transformed into a goat while they were having sex.

We still do live in amazing times.

Kalevala was my best read when I was 15. Sadly I don't remember much and somehow missed that story in the book. Thanks for the post)

This is collected from different bits around Kalevala and other folk tales :) And to be honest, Kalevala is hard to read as it is a big poem collection.

You're welcome, I'm happy you enjoyed it.

Thanks. I like the hard to read books when they are worth it. And I didn't even think it was one of them at the time) I was thinking it's normal)

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