How to be yourself in a world that will always confuse you

in #life7 years ago (edited)

A lot of times things that happen will feel like they’re the end of the world. If you ask yourself why you feel like that, many times your answer will be: because people made you think like that.
Bad grade? End of the world. Gap year? End of the world.Messed up a stage performance may be? End of the world. And even a bad haircut? End of the world. All because of what people say.
If what people think really bothers you..answer the following questions to yourself: How it actually affect ME? Does it have long term implications? Is it solvable/controllable? Is it a material/superficial issue? Will it matter in five years? Will it grow out?
It doesn’t matter what your answer is. Once you do, you’re automatically ten times more secure, unbothered, and figured out. What you are, is self aware and what they say won’t matter.
Similarly, when you’re making an important decision that affects you. Be sure to ask yourself if you’re making it for yourself or because of what people will think. We don’t even realise half the choices we make for ourselves are actually those that others will approve of. I’ve been asked how to stop worrying about ‘what will people say?’ The answer is that when you are VERY sure about what you want and WHY you want it then it really stops mattering what others think about it.
The point I’m trying to make is that the world and society will always be this way or that and will continue to define what’s right in all areas - Beauty, career, education, fashion, lifestyle, trends, technology etc. And that continues to confuse the person you are. Knowing yourself helps you remember that choices that only affect you, are YOURS to take, for yourself. Know your values, your goals what you want and what you care about. Don’t waste your emotions over the approval of society, over what’s considered ‘acceptable,’ over what ‘everyone has’ or ‘everyone is doing’ these days. What’s acceptable is what you’re happy with. So get in touch with yourself SO much, that the world and it’s opinions stop mattering and you can be yourself without a worry. Because you finally know who you are and the society cannot confuse you.


I hope you liked my post thanks for your time :)
And that’s me sitting in the corner