Monthly Report of Running 2018-04 ランニング月間レポート2018-04

in #running7 years ago

On 1st April, I wrote “I will run more than 300km in April. Do you think it is an April Fool’s joke? A month later, you can know whether it is joke or not.” ("Monthly Report of Running 2018-03") Now, the time has come to show you the result. Check it out !

In April 2018, I did 16 woukouts and ran 322 km totally. Yes, I have reached my target distance. The words I wrote on 1st April was not an April Fool’s joke.

In April, I renewed my running shoes. ("My Running Log 2018-04-26 <First Run with My New Shoes “EMPEROR”>") They are higher-class shoes, so I cannot yet deliver the full potential of them. I’d like to power up my feet and legs to make full use of my new shoes.
4月にはランニングシューズを買いかえました(「ランニング記録2018-04-26 <新シューズ“EMPEROR"と初ラン>」)。そのシューズは上級者用のシューズなので、僕はまだシューズのポテンシャルを十分に引き出せていません。足の力を強化して新しいシューズを履きこなせるようになりたいと思います。

The spring has gone and the summer has come. Although it is going to get hotter day by day, I’d like to run more than 300km in May again.


wow that's alot of weekly km's my friend keep it up @argon

Thanks, my friend! I'll keep up.

We all have dreams.
But in order to make dreams come into reality,
it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication,
self-discipline, and effort.
Jesse Owens

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