Who murdered the king- a short story by arinzegod12
This time the night would not be silent as snoring frogs echoed their loudest croak, the mating season is around the corner. In the village of Umudike the loud boom of the 'Iko' a large drum crafted from elephant tusk and skin in the center of the village square woke up both man and beast that even the croaking of the frogs became whispers.
The drum was a harbinger of terrible news which sends shivers and causes the skin to crawl, the last time the drum was hit Onuka was still a child clinging to his mum's bosom.
Let the Day be cursed, let the Stream of Agbara dry up and expose her dirty floor bed, let the land be barren like Okengwu who can't impregnate his wife, let the wailing of starving children be heard like Canons fired into the air. Another dreadful moment has come upon the land, Who murdered the King?
The whole village was thrown into turmoil, the women wailed like birds who had lost their chicks to the fiery storm, the men whimpering like injured dogs, suppressing their tears not to appear broken, why not?
Are they not men, hard like rocks rid of emotions, only women were allowed the pleasure of such display, even the little ones did not need the spanking of their mothers to know that play time is suspended, the cloud was sad and just like the men it dares not weep, heaven and earth were in mourning for a great king has fallen.
The King blessed by Ani the Earth goddess and anointed by Idemili was the most loved king, he sent the invaders of Umudike running helter skelter like bulls in a rampage, Umudike became a name striking fear in the hearts of its neighbours, Igwe Agbanlanze was no longer a mere mortal in the eyes of his people, how come he died like a dog in his own bedroom. Who castrated this god King?
Igwe Agbanlanze was not the saint his people thought he was, a serial rapist and he was good at covering his tracks and silencing his victims. A god King but a slave to his sexual desires, another rotten egg has been discarded, the victim of Agbanlanze's hidden atrocities has vanished, she will become that unknown murderer to the villagers, a bad spirit to the Chief Priest and a nightmare to the elders who were aware of Agbanlanze's abominable lifestyle.
The names of the characters or places mentioned are only fictional and not real. All rights to this short story are reserved by the author arinzegod12 and cannot be used anywhere without permission.
Curated By - @simonnwigwe
Curation Team - The Efficient Seven