Little Cherine Book 01 - BPost012

Cherine elected to do exactly the same. With the hand of Dominique and ring to her lips she loud and clearly, her voice proud, spoke the words. “Dominique, with this ring as symbol of my love I thee wed.”
“I now pronounce you husband and wife…and wives.”

Previous Post 011


All this time Alki had been taking photographs and we now had to wait while he changed the film. While waiting, I was looking at my two brides. Overwhelmed by my emotions I went to where the altar had been and knelt. I spoke softly, speaking privately to any god who may exist.

“Thank you God. You know what is in our hearts, that we intended no sacrilege. God I thank you with all my heart for bringing two such wonderful loves into my life. Thank you for this day and all those we are allowed to share. Please give us your blessing and make me worthy of them.”

As I stood up I found them all standing just behind me. Cherine’s eyes were brimming. Fiercely she said to me. “That was wrong. You did not have to ask Him that. I am the one who has to ask to be worthy of you.”

Suddenly Dommi was weeping and as we rushed to her she held on to us, “I never knew I could be so happy. I never knew I could be so proud to belong to someone else.”

When we found Alki, sitting on a marble rock half way down the mountain, shaking his head, his red eyes betrayed him.

“Come,” he said gruffly, “we go to my house. We have our wedding feast and music for celebrating this day and your future.”

He had ordered a wedding cake and had contrived to place a groom with two brides on top. Prudently, his servant had been given the day off, so we helped ourselves and drank and ate ourselves into stupor. Alki played the traditional waltzes for us. I started off with Dommi, just long enough for Cherine to get the idea, then we brought her in, the three of us dancing together. Alki got a bit tipsy and stood up giving us a speech, mostly in Greek and spoken with a dialect from his village. All that mattered to us were the emotions on his face, the tears in his eyes and the warm hugs he gave us.

With the overcoats on, nobody would know what the dresses were, so we returned home dressed as we were. I let Cherine unlock the door. Since we did not have tradition to guide us, I asked, “I can’t pick you both up at the same time. How do we do this?”

“Take Cherine first. I’ll wait.”

I picked up my little bride and holding her tightly I told her, for the millionth time, “I love you” and carried her in. Still holding her to me I kissed her, hoping she could sense how much love I put into my kiss. I then placed her on her feet and returned for Dommi. We grinned as we saw Cherine come back to the door to watch me carry Dommi in. Fearful of not having the strength to carry her I had to depend on will power giving me the strength. She seemed surprisingly light. I gave her open swollen lips a deep kiss and carried her in.

We all collapsed on the sofas. The day had taken its toll but we would have managed if not for all that food, cake etc. Dominique stood up, taking charge. “We must sleep a few hours, that way we will have the strength to enjoy our wedding night in the traditional way.”

I let out a mock cry of despair to Cherine. “See? I told you this morning! Just married and she is already talking like a wife!”

As the wife she was, there was no arguing with her. We went to bed and after tossing and turning, refreshed ourselves with a nice long sleep. When I awoke I saw they were still asleep. I crept to the kitchen to make myself a coffee. Quickly I had a ‘no soap’ shower while the coffee was coming to a boil.

Quietly I sat and made quick sketches while the scenes were still fresh in my mind. I have learnt how to see the land, strewn with rocks and harsh weeds and thyme bushes, so that I can depict them realistically, presenting the viewer not only with a clear image of the land, but also a feel for it, so I left it out of my sketches, mostly concentrating on the four of us and what little remains of the chapel.

Cherine walked in, still sleepy-eyed, her hair tousled. She came into my arms and I smelt the little girl smell of a child who has just got out of bed. I clung to her, breathing her in for as long as I could.


“Why didn’t you wake me up” she complained, just like any child, unhappy to be missing anything.

“No point to it. Dommi is still sleeping anyway and you needed the sleep. It has been a very big day hasn’t it?” I gave her a look filled with love. “Now the 26th of March will always be a special day for me.”

She hugged me a bit tighter. “Uhm. You had a shower.” she accused.

“I had to. The two of you used all the hot water this morning. You expect me to bathe in cold water in Winter? I’m not that hardy.”

“Then you should have showered with us.”

“What! On our wedding day shower with my brides! That would have been bad luck.”

“I also want a shower. I was sweating today when we climbed up.”

I inhaled her scent, “I don’t know. I was just loving the way you smell.”


“Oh god yes. For real.”

“I like that, but I still want a shower.”

“Wait for Dominique. She will also want a shower.”

“I can’t. She is my bride, I can’t shower with her.”

“Hey rat face, you getting cheeky with me? I’ll make you a Milo, it’ll give you some energy for tonight and wake those sleepy eyes of yours.”

She grinned. “Rats got teeth you know.”

I continued to cuddle her as she stood between my legs leaning against me. Her head drooped onto my shoulder and she snoozed a few minutes. I could not have been more content.

When Dommi got up, also angry that we had not woken her, I made Milo for all of us, with extra sugar, while they had a quick shower. By now they were well aware about my quirk of not wanting the scent of soap, so it was not necessary for me to say anything. They sat on the sofa together, wrapped in their dressing gowns and feet curled up under them and the softness and purity of their appearance meant it was a moment of love and adoration for me, nothing of a sexual nature intruding. We drank slowly, silently, drawing the moment out.

I got up and stretched out my hand to them. As Dominique started to get up, Cherine looked at me, scared, knowing she is going to anger me but determined anyway.

“Robert. That thing you did with my hand. You can do it again whenever you want to?”

“Heal it you mean? I think so, I hope so. It is still too new to me for me to say I’m certain about anything.”

“This is the only wedding night I will ever have. I want to make love with you tonight. If you hurt me, I know you can fix it.”

With a sudden hollow feeling in me and a slight tremor starting, I tried to imagine doing it and sat down. “I know how special tonight is, but I can’t do it my love.”

She began to cry. “But you can fix it. It will be the same as before. You can, you just don’t want to.”

“Cherine, you are asking me to deliberately hurt you, damage your body, the body I adore, and then to fix it. I can’t.” I was beginning to shake at the idea, the image of her torn vagina.


I was not being insensitive because of my own abhorrence at the idea of hurting her; I could see the validity of her argument. It was such a special night. If I did not, she would always feel cheated. I tried to think on it. My shaking was getting worse from the conflict inside me as I tried to think up possibilities. If I could get that thing in my mind to go into her. Stretch her vagina, let me make love to her and then change it back. What a lovely night for her to lose her virginity. Just this once. But I could sense it would not work. That power only comes when they are in pain, damaged somehow. What if it comes while I was still inside her. It does not care about me. It would just do whatever is necessary to repair her, I cannot direct it.

Cherine also was deep within her own emotions; she was still weeping, still claiming I did not want to, and not sensing me. She was tearing into me. Why couldn’t she feel it. Of course, it had nothing to do with her own emotions tearing at her, it was my power that would not let me hurt her. There was no way out. I saw I was going to hurt her either way. Feeling trapped, my shaking became violent and Dominique screamed.

“Stop it, Cherine stop it. You are doing it to him again. Cherine help.” She ran to me, but I was already slipping into unconsciousness.

When I awoke the three of them were next to me. Alki was holding Cherine and Dommi was placing cool damp cloths on my forehead. Cherine had gone ballistic. Dominique panicked at her hysteria and phoned for help.

Alki asked me if I was alright and Cherine sat up straight, her back rigid, refusing to turn and look at me. I replied that I was alright, just had a bit of extra sleep, sorry I had cheated and got them so worried. Then I decided I was being stupid.

“Actually I am not alright. Cherine please come and hold me. I need you.” She shook her head no. I knew she loves me, that her own mixed feelings of guilt and hurt at my refusing her were holding her back, but I was also hurting, so I was suddenly overcome by bitterness. “What a wedding night. The one love who literally holds my life in her hands turns her back on me. Guess you are just fed up of me and all my problems. Dominique can you help me up, I want to go to bed.” Cherine softly wept against Alki’s shirt and his arms tenderly folded over her, holding her to him.

Dommi put her hand under me to lift me when I felt my insides being torn apart. Even Dominique felt it and screamed. I must have sounded like an animal as I squealed in pain. It stopped and strangely I did not pass out again.

“I felt it, oh god, I felt it. It was tearing him up inside.” Dominique was sobbing.

“What was it?” Alki asked, with real fear, already kneeling by my side.

“She did it.” Dominique was pointing at Cherine who was cowering.

The agony was unbelievable, but I could not allow myself to die with Cherine feeling responsible. “She did not. I did it, the stupid power which healed you did this to me. Cherine I need you please. You can feel it, can’t you. Something happened inside me, I’m dying. Please save me.”

“I can’t.”

She was shaking and I saw why she could not come to me. “Listen my love. When I said those bitter things, I hurt you. My power had to protect you, so it hurt me bad. Inside, something is torn. It was not you. But it may listen to you. Please hold me. Try to tell it to make me better. Try to show it that if I die it hurts you.”

“It won’t hurt me, it will kill me. I am also going to die. I don’t care. I don’t want to live anymore.”

“Do you really want me to die? Won’t you then come hold me with just a little bit of love for me to take into the void.”

She gave a broken cry and flew across the room into my arms. “I don’t want you to die Robert. I don’t want you to die.”

“Then try. That’s all, just try. It is my last hope.” Despite the pain I managed to run my fingers through her hair. “I love you baby. My little princess. Dommi, hold me also. I need all the strength you can give me.” As she held me I pleaded, “Dommi, my beloved, please do not be afraid of her. She will not hurt you. She has never really hurt me, it has all been my own doing. Not that I understand this stupid power. How can I be there to protect her with it, if it kills me. Promise me darling, promise, if she can’t save me, you and Alki, promise you will look after her for me. Please!!”


“Of course I will, if she lives. I think you are killing her. If you die she will die also.”

Alki quickly added, “She is right Roberto. She will die if you die. You have to repair yourself, you must live to save her.”

Dominique took her cue, realised why Alki was talking as he was, that it was not out of fear as she had spoken. “I am telling you Roberto. If you die she will be dead within the hour from the pain. You will have killed her. That stupid thing, that power you talk about, it is part of you. It will not be here to save her. She will die.” She carried on and on, with Alki adding to it, her voice harsh and forceful.

Cherine did not move, but I began to feel her warmth seeping into me. It went in deeper and deeper, spreading throughout me. My left hand began to twitch then jerk, hitting the carpet. The right hand that was holding Cherine was not moving. Through the warmth on that side I could feel her heartbeat, it was getting fainter. I began to feel something stir in me. I tried to send it a message, “She is ours, we love her, make her strong. Save her for us.”

As I returned for a moment, I saw horror on the face of my Dommi. I thought she knew about Cherine. I mumbled, “It is going to her. Don’t worry it will save her.” Then I saw her hand, it was smeared with blood. “Mine?” From the look on her and Alki’s face I knew it was. I smiled at them, not caring.

I went back in and followed the power, merged and we entered Cherine. We felt the force in her weakening. We spread through her, strengthening her. As fast as we reinforced her, the energy disappeared. I realised she was sending her life-force into me, trying to save me. The faster we powered her the faster she was disposing of it. I realised the only way to save her was to first heal myself and I felt the beginnings of a despair. This power had no interest in saving me, I was going to lose her.

As the texture, the feel of the world surrounding me changed I began to slowly realise we were leaving, a large part of our energy moving. As if knowing exactly what it was doing, it began to break up, each moving in different directions, furiously mending, repairing damaged organs. I watched in awe. This was not just a few veins being repaired, a few cells. This was major, destroyed organs being re-knit and brought back to full functionality. I left it to do its task and returned to Cherine.

Like the mist of light I had once gathered within me, I gathered her energy form, holding it within her, not allowing her to send it to me. She began to fight me, struggling ferociously, a wild animal, a mother attacking to save it’s cub. I held on, my love strengthening me. She finally recognised me from the void and a wonder grew in her as she relaxed.


*Yes my love, it is me. Calm down my love, I am being repaired, now we must strengthen you. Do you want to let yourself merge into me, take my help? Please?*


It was as if two mists of energy swirled in a mad dance and atom by atom, molecule by molecule we dance around each other’s orbits, danced with each other. I/we became Cherine/Robert our minds one, yet still knowing ourselves. I could be part of her joys, her love, her pain as she became part of mine. Where her pain was, my joy, my love went. An easier way to describe it would be to say my light went wherever spots of her darkness were. Wherever her light, her joys her love were, my light danced in rainbows of love and pure mindless happiness. As we danced in rapture we began to swirl in a circle, faster and faster until we became a ball of light, a world of energy made up of joy and love. One world, one life.

During this, messages were mingling, pictures forming and dissolving. We got to know each other so well that it was as if we were one in every way. Amongst the pictures, images of love, we saw Dominique. We saw our love for her and we knew we could not leave her behind.


*One day my love, when it is time, we will take our World as one, us with our Dominique and the others we love into the void. We will light the way, gather all those who wish to join us. The void will be filled with love and light. That is our future. Now we must return.* It was a hard decision, tearing myself apart, losing from me the parts of myself I loved the best, left only with the parts that did not seem to matter.

We both cheated. We left stray tendrils of ourselves within the other still mingling, dancing to the music of their love as we parted.

I returned to my still open eyes to see Dominique and Alki. They had moved back a small distance, their faces blanched, unbelieving. Still holding my awakening Cherine/myself I arose, standing to look at them my face gentle with love. Cherine opened her/my eyes.

From here I will have to presume it is understood that my sensations, my knowledge of the world around me was dual and growing, becoming treble as Dominique melded into my world. Our language, any language of today, becomes confusing and cumbersome if I keep trying to include the multitude of my/our points of views. It is better I use them only when important for defining the moment.

“Dominique, mother and wife to us, thank you. Your love, your heart called us back and we had to return for you. Alki, Dominique, our love has now a promise for both of you and for all our children and the children of our children.”

Cherine sent me a smile and it was a shower of golden sparks within me. “Don’t talk like that Robert, you will frighten them. He can be such a snot at times. I know, I have been in his mind. Dominique, it was so wonderful, we have to find a way to bring you in to share it, because you are a part of it, a part of us.”

“You are both well? What a stupid question, forgive this old man, I cannot believe my eyes. He,” he pointed at me, “was lying on the floor with blood foaming out of his mouth, blood leaking out of his ears. You, my little one,” he pointed at her, “your little body was growing cold, dying, dying with him. Now you stand, within moments of death, like two angels of love, of life, glowing, filling us with promises. Are you both still human beings Roberto?”

“If being horny, wanting to make passionate love to my wives, my brides, means I am human, then yes, I am.” I laughed, tickled by my sense of humour.

“Not good enough. The ancient gods of Greece were all a horny bunch, they kept on screwing our human girls.” But he was laughing, delighted that we live and by what he sensed we are becoming.

I set Cherine on her feet and she went to Dommi, standing in front of her.

“Are you afraid of us my love? Of me? Because we lived to be with you?” Her little face plaintive, her eyes brimming with tears, she stared up at our Dommi.

“Will you explain to me what happened? Will I understand?” she answered in a whisper.

“I am not the Kaleidoscope World. Robert and I both are. And you, and Alki, and our children for all the future, we are all the Kaleidoscope World. Dommi, I am not just saying it is so, we saw…sensed some of our future and saw it is so.”

I explained, “Dommi, our precious love, we will explain in more detail later. We have as long as you need to understand. And when you are ready, we will find a way to bring you in with us, so that all three of us can be truly one. Do not be afraid. I am still Robert and will always be. Cherine is still little Cherine, the child we love. But I am partly Cherine also, and she is partly me. Can you imagine the comfort, the happiness of being part of each other?”

I saw that it was love that was keeping Alki on his feet. His age was showing in his drawn features, but I knew he did not want to leave, he was forcing himself to endure. I went to him, calling Cherine to help me. We held him and let our energy, our love flow into him. When we let him go his face was aglow, weariness gone. I saw also deeply in him the fear. He saw that I saw.

“I am sorry Roberto, I do not want to feel this way. I have grown up in a country full of stories that come to us from the olden days. Stories a boy hears growing up in a village full of ignorant superstitious old women. I have tried to grow into a man of culture, of tolerance, but the past always haunts us. I cannot entirely lose the fearful child in me.”


“Maybe now you will not think those old women were so ignorant. Alki mou, Cherine, I, Dominique, we are not the first, I am convinced of that. The others were born before the right time for us. They were not allowed to be, fear of the different killed them. Maybe we too are born before the right time. But each of us have our place in the coming of the future. We each play a part, a step towards a new world to come, not a dream, but a reality. The future of mankind, it is beautiful beyond anything imagined.”

Dommi collapsed into a seat, crying. Cherine clambered onto her lap and pressing against her, caressed her hair, her face.

“Why are the two of you including me. I have no powers, I have nothing.”

It was time to share with her some of what we had seen. “You do have powers, so does Alki, those of Alki still have to grow, but they are a reality, which is why he can be our rock from now. As for you Dommi, yours are just as strong as ours. We did not realise this before because they do not manifest themselves in ways as obvious as ours do. Why do you think I was drawn to you, the three of us drawn to each other? It was not just your beauty, your lovely heart. We have, without knowing it, been calling to each other since childhood, we had to find a way for all of us to come together, to become what we are growing into.”

“Roberto, you made love to Dominique when she was a child?” Despite himself, his growing understanding of us, Alki was shocked. This was the daughter of his old friend. He has known her from the day she was born.

Dommi smiled at him, her sense of humour surfacing. “Robert can’t keep secrets. Yes, we did. Innocent love, as children being curious do, but he awakened such strong feelings in me that he stamped me, made me his. I tried to leave him, go with other men, but I never felt I belonged with them. I think it was all part of a plan of his to enslave me.”

She was grinning, but not because of her humour; it came from the unbelievable joy in her. Inside her, old fears and doubts were disintegrating, falling away, leaving her unshackled, free to love - and it was such a joy to be free. Suddenly she knew that even loving us would not steal her freedom from her. She told us something incredibly beautiful - that it is our love for her which freed her.

Close-knit, a family, we sat and talked for hours. When Alki left he was no longer the man he had been. Cherine and I had explained, the best we could, what had happened within us. The insights we had gained. Our new ability, even if only for that short time, to not only hear and see each other’s thoughts and memories, but to talk to each other directly, shorn of all possible misunderstandings, half-truths. For the first time we truly understood each other, what drove us, what our hearts searched for.

I explained my power which damaged/repaired me. Of how it is a primal force without any direction, just one imperative, to protect and heal those I love, even at my cost. Of how I have finally learnt to, not control it, but to give it some broader direction. I likened it to a baby and promised my girls that it will learn and mature into a partner.

“The strange thing is that it could not heal me directly. It could only do so if channelled through Cherine, and I believe Dommi. That is why poor Cherine ended up feeling so guilty, it kept using her, even when hurting me, and that made her think she was doing it.”

As we talked I could sense Alki derived pleasure from watching how, sometimes unconsciously, we were touching each other, kissing and caressing, holding and filling each other with love. We were never explicitly sexual, but the room was charged with an erotic atmosphere, which, finally drove him to take his leave, muttering about spoiling our wedding night.

Once I had seen him drive off, I asked Cherine, “Can you monitor Alki for us. We cannot afford to lose him now.”

Dommi was displeased with me, “That is a cold-hearted thing to say Roberto. As if we only want him for using him.”

“But it is the truth Dommi. We need to have someone to love outside of ourselves. Can you think of anybody you could love as much as we love him?” I stopped, caught by that mysterious smile on Cherine’s face. I had a suspicion it was also a bit naughtier than usual. Dommi turned to see what I was looking at and caught her breath.


“You are too late Robert. How do you think I got him to agree to marry us. I had to not listen to you. I manipulated him. You going to spank me?”

“No. I’ll leave that to Dommi. All I need now is to be attacked again. I’ve had enough for one day, thank you. But I will do one thing if you would like.” I turned her little face and gave her a kiss that, enhanced by my re-awakened powers, by her gift, was multiplied as nothing had ever been before. When I was able to break away all three of us were breathless. Poor Dommi I thought, going through that without being kissed. I told her and she laughed, “But I was!”

As I made my decision, Cherine called out, distressed. “Why are you doing that? Please don’t.”

“I have to Cherine. We cannot spend all our time fully linked. I can now stay linked, but mute it. A lot of the time, like when we make love, when we sleep in each others arms, I will not mute it. But there are times, like when we are talking to each other, I want to be able to be surprised by you. To not know what you are going to say. I also have to be able to work. How can I be creative when all my mind is filled by the two of you? Another is when you are at school, or doing homework, you must learn, so you have to concentrate. You cannot do that with me in your head at full blast.”

“I don’t have to go to school anymore. I can get it all from you. I don’t want to be alone.”

“You will, you have to. You will not get your education by stealing what I know. It will not make your mind grow. It is the effort of learning that teaches and grows your mind, forcing new connections among your brain cells. You have your own things to learn, maybe of matters that are of no interest to me.” Dommi sided with me and that, thank goodness, was over without a fight.

“I can feel you girls. It’s quite scary. Feels as if you are going to rape me or something. Give me a minute then I’m all yours. Cherine, you said you do not want to be alone. I don’t blame you. I can hardly bear the thought of being apart from either of you for a second. Dommi, please scratch your bum, it’s distracting me. Thanks. As I was saying, about being alone. I have not seen your friend, what was it, Maria-Elena? You haven’t have been to visit her either since we returned from Ydra. Are you still friends?”

“Yes. I told her you were sick.”

“Well I’m not anymore. You go visit her. Just make sure you do your homework, Dommi will be checking on you. My love, make some more friends, widen your circle of friends. Cherine, the friends from school will be your friends for life. Make as many as you can. You will go back right away to your extra lessons, tennis, guitar and so on - okay, maybe not the guitar lessons? Would you prefer something else? You are going to have the best education possible, I want you to have a full life, not just what we three share. I’m looking forward to the day we discover where your talents lie, what your interests as an adult will be. I have the feeling that you are going to make us, as a family, very proud of you.

One more point with regard to your comment about taking from my mind whatever knowledge you need. If each of us study whatever it is we are interested in and at some time I need the knowledge you or Dommi have, then we can borrow from each other, giving us a much wider base of knowledge.” I smiled, for my words were filling me with hope. “Who knows? We may even someday use all we know to grow wise.”

I sensed Cherine understood and felt a growing awe in her at the idea. As for Dommi, I sensed she understood, but was trying to hold back, still not daring to believe she is a part of us and all we can become. I did not try to make her see, she must grow gently, at her own pace.

I gave our Dommi a pretend stern look. “Dommi sweetheart, enough is enough. You have made us your life. You never visit your friends, no longer go to sit at Kolonaki or Kefalari to chat and gossip with your ‘crowd’. You cannot be all you can be for us, if you do not have any outside interests. What has to be done for Cherine will be divided by us. I will take her to school, work at my office and collect her. That time is entirely yours to go out. Anything you decide to do, study for instance, we will make space for you in our lives so that you can also grow. Dommi, the more you grow and the more you learn, the more proud of you both of us will be.


On a more general but cautionary note, when we are with others we have to be extra careful. We have picked up habits of touching each other and so on that we do without thinking - as we did while Alki was here. If that happens between Dommi and I, no one will think it strange, though many will feel uncomfortable at such open displays of affection, but for you Cherine we have to be very careful. Maybe it’s better we all control ourselves. I’m finished.”

“I’d say you are, Mr Boss. You notice how he just tells us what we will do, he doesn’t ask. Cherine I think it is time we show him who are the real mistresses of this family.”

They attacked me simultaneously - I’m happy to say.

Although I was getting the emotions of Dommi through Cherine I was more sensitive to her ‘signature’ now. It also added flavour to my direct contact where I was part of her physical sensations. I could sense a slight holding back and I warned Cherine. My feeling was she has lost some of her self confidence again. She feels outside the circle because of her inability to share our powers. I must find a way to show her what she is doing for us. At this moment at least, I suggested, we can make her the special one. Cherine gave quite a bloodthirsty grin at that.

With our new abilities, the combination of my maleness, the harder-rougher texture, the hairiness, the larger size in opposition to her tiny fingers, softness of childhood, we drove Dommi in ever spiralling heights, each time pulling back from allowing her the orgasm she felt she was dying for. Cherine made doubly certain that mixed with the passions she felt the incredible flow of love from both of us, the need we have for her. Her body was totally out of control, she was begging for us to give her the release she was craving, when suddenly her body began to shake uncontrollably. We had taken her beyond her limits, the limits of human endurance. We carried her into the orgasm that now exploded like a nova in her. She was screaming and as she went beyond anything she had ever felt before, she passed out, fainting in an ecstasy, overcome by a surfeit of sensations - and some of them were pain. I also screamed, but was able to stay conscious with Cherine’s help. As my body reacted to being Dommi’s body while I was in her physically, I exploded. With that combination of female orgasm to male climax I had never felt anything so intense. No man can.

I was useless to Cherine, even for the little she needs from me, because the strength of feelings she shares from me are more important to her, but she was willing to wait for both of us. Though she had ‘only’ felt the emotional side of Dommi and myself she had, through my sharing of her body, been hit twice as strongly as she has ever been before. She lay panting, her foxy eyes watching us, slitted, almost animal-like in their pure lust.

As she lay with her legs closed, about half of her sexy bump was showing. I leaned over her and blew my breath on it, cooling it. Then I blew a gentle warm breath. She smiled at my playfulness. “What are you doing? You want it hot or cold?”

“Anyway. I just love to look at it. I think you have the sexiest bump in the world. You know how I think of your clitoris, the little bump that sticks out near the top in there?”


I was grinning at what I felt was my foolishness. “I think of it as a stamen, like in flowers, where butterflies and bees go to collect the nectar.”

“Are you going to be a butterfly or a bee?”

“Which would you want - it is your stamen.”

“A bee, if it can still sting.”

I gently pulled her open and brought my face to her. Without touching her I inhaled deeply, loving the aphrodisiac purity of her sexual scent. “I’m going to miss this when you grow up. I wish you could stay a little girl forever.”

“You want me to do that for you?”


I played along, “Yes.”

“I knew it. You are scared I’ll grow up and you will have to take my virginity.”

I gave her a little smile, trying to keep our conversation on a light level, desperately hoping she lets me. “You telling me you had an epiphany? I do treasure it, but it would be a pointless treasure if it were never taken.”

“You are going to, the only thing is, it will happen when I want it to,” I nodded in full agreement, “and that will be a lot sooner than you think.”

“You are going to hound me to death on this one - aren’t you?”

“I already have. It didn’t work. I’ll find another way.” Oh my god, she was able to joke about it now. I now knew she is cured of her guilt, my little girl is whole at last. She felt the joy and smiled back at me.

This moment of tenderness, just the two of us, was something I had missed, without even knowing I had. I saw now that I also missed having these moments with Dommi. I am certain it is a necessary interval each of us needs. As much as we all love each other and keenly feel any absence, the one on one moments are vital.

Dommi yawned and stretched. As she stretched her arm towards me I took hold of it and used the stretch massage I knew she would like - and since I could sense from her what I was making her feel, I was successful. Sensually she turned towards us.

“I feel wonderful. I haven’t been so relaxed for a long time.” She shut her eyes as if returning to sleep. Cherine gently lay herself on top of Dommi. I thought her delicious weight would very likely send Dommi back to sleep. From the intense look on Cherine's face I knew she was monitoring every nuance of those languid feelings in Dommi. Gently, but firmly, I felt her little hands rub along and all over Dommi, just as I felt her heartbeat and her warm breath on Dommi’s skin. I tried to help by passing on these sensations. Slowly, at just the right pace, I felt Dommi’s body warm up and her heartbeat quicken. When Dommi opened her eyes again Cherine raised her head, pulled herself up and tenderly kissed Dommi on the lips. I was simultaneously made aware of a warm feeling growing between the legs by both of them. Dommi, despite these feelings just lay there, quiescent, languidly letting Cherine do as she pleased.

I recognised this moment as belonging to just the two of them and muted them into the background of my mind, but remained aware, as I knew they wanted me to be, so that I too am a part of their loving. I could feel the warmth of them both and lay down with eyes closed, letting their loving grow and their female softness of the spirit bring them together into a love that is so pure it hurt to even sense it in the background. Dommi’s feelings were the tenderness of a mother, while Cherine was emoting her needs to be loved by a mother. They lay quietly trying to make the moment last as their feelings met and embraced.

I was so alive again, so full of energy, yet relaxed. The calmness, the sweetness of their lethargy swept over me like a balm. I dozed off.

I woke up to the scent of food and found them settling on the bed, next to me. Through the blinds I could see the light of a false dawn. I sat up and they fed me, in turn. I had not noticed my hunger.

“You didn’t think we were going to let you sleep away our wedding night did you?” It was nice to see Dommi with a naughty smile.

I teased Dommi, “Technically it ended long ago.”

“I’m not letting you get away with that. My wife has not had her turn.”

“Dommi, just to hear you say that, considering what a prude you were, shows you truly love our Cherine. You have grown with your love. I’m proud of you for doing what I think I could not do.”

“What can’t you do?” Her little inquisitive face demanded an answer which I was not prepared to give. But with her amazing memory, she will not let me get away without it, not even if she has to wait months.


“Dommi, have you noticed, ever since you joined us, half the times it is Cherry baby’s turn to make love with me, she wants to start talking. I suspect she is getting lazy. She wants you to do all the work.”

She scuttled over to me and sat on my lap. “Show me the bee still has a sting - if you can.”

I clasped her to me and over her head looked at Dommi. She shook her head no and grimaced.

I asked, “Cherine, I’m opening. Come in.”

I kept her clasped to me as I slid down and closed my eyes. I removed the ‘mute’ and went looking for her.

*Look into me, find out the real reason I keep saying no. I want you to understand how deep-rooted the feeling is,* to tempt her I added, *you will see other stuff I did not want you to see yet. I cannot avoid it now, you have forced me into a corner.*

She and I dissolved into each other, mingling our egos, our personalities, our very being, in the same way as we’ve mingled our bodily fluids and for the same reason it was an ecstasy for both of us. This time I was able to establish a strong link to Dommi, to help us separate again. What we did was nothing like the joining we had previously experienced, this was more specific and deep in certain ways, and more detailed.

I am totally open and vulnerable to Cherine, as she is to me, most of the time, so it is why it is we can see deeper into each other than either of us can see into ourselves. Although Cherine was able to sense my subconscious, luckily it was still partly filtered, or else I suspect she would have been driven insane. Even filtered, it was a mess of ugliness and strangely, a kind of baby purity (if mine is anything like hers), but the mixture causes such horror that it causes nausea and sends the conscious mind reeling, in such desperate flight that it feels as if it is tearing itself across the mental equivalent of barbed wire.

Even if I could, I would not wish to describe what she saw in me and what I saw in her. I do presume that mine is worse than hers, for I am older and have had more things go wrong with my life, but my inner being is not what I am with the use of my free will. It is a cauldron of unreasoning fears and desires that may help to influence the type of person I become, but does not represent what I am - as is true for everyone. All I will say is she saw and fled, incapable of reasoning, swirling apart from me, fearful of returning.

I waited. If we returned to our normal senses now she might fear returning. I could not bear that. I sent her some of what I had seen in her. I first ‘muted’ it so that she would not be sickened by what is in her. I asked if she can understand that what she’d seen is not the ‘real’ me. Just a jumble of the instincts coming all the way from the deep past of mankind, plus thoughts, ideas, fears and other feelings which are not mine, in the sense that they do not belong to any mind capable of reasoning and making emotional judgements based on ethics. Unfortunately, I was talking about ideas and facts, whereas she was suffering from sensing unwished for emotions, so I failed.

She only tightened herself into a compressed tightness which would not allow me in. I was at wits end, it is the only way I can justify/explain what I next did. I sent myself out searching, looking for a way in and found my way into Dommi.

I sent her a message. She heard me! I felt her fear, but I also felt her wonder and joy. I could not see her, not in the symbolic way Cherine and I see each other. I told her what I have done and the reaction of Cherine. I needed her help. Maybe she could get through.

A faint whisper asking me how. She did not know how to come to me, how to escape her own inner world. I told her to close her eyes and imagine herself drawn to me. I strengthened the link and tried to use that to draw her to me.

A shimmering veil came floating out of the darkness. She coruscated in a myriad colours. She was overwhelmed by her awe and joy, she was flitting all over, lightly touching me and dancing away. I explained how Cherine and I melded, asked her not to try it with me, I was not certain I could return us to our former selves without help from Cherine. A sleeve of her veil touched me and I felt a few particles of her mingle within me. I sent out a tendril of myself, slowly and gently so as not to frighten her, touched her and left a tiny number of my particles in exchange. I saw our link shimmer vibrantly as it strengthened.

Next Post 013

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
2nd March, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 2nd March, 2019

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